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Table Type: Company
Table Name: Service Line
Database Table Name: CRONUS UK Ltd_$Service Line$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972
Due to how Dynamics BC tables and columns are named, square brackets need to be wrapped around the table name and column names. Below are example queries showing how Service Line can be queried.
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[CRONUS UK Ltd_$Service Line$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972]
Show/hide an example select of all columns by name
[Document Type]
,[Customer No_]
,[Document No_]
,[Line No_]
,[Location Code]
,[Posting Group]
,[Description 2]
,[Unit of Measure]
,[Outstanding Quantity]
,[Qty_ to Invoice]
,[Qty_ to Ship]
,[Unit Price]
,[Unit Cost (LCY)]
,[VAT _]
,[Line Discount _]
,[Line Discount Amount]
,[Amount Including VAT]
,[Allow Invoice Disc_]
,[Gross Weight]
,[Net Weight]
,[Units per Parcel]
,[Unit Volume]
,[Appl_-to Item Entry]
,[Shortcut Dimension 1 Code]
,[Shortcut Dimension 2 Code]
,[Customer Price Group]
,[Job No_]
,[Job Task No_]
,[Job Line Type]
,[Work Type Code]
,[Outstanding Amount]
,[Qty_ Shipped Not Invoiced]
,[Shipped Not Invoiced]
,[Quantity Shipped]
,[Quantity Invoiced]
,[Shipment No_]
,[Shipment Line No_]
,[Order No_]
,[Bill-to Customer No_]
,[Inv_ Discount Amount]
,[Gen_ Bus_ Posting Group]
,[Gen_ Prod_ Posting Group]
,[VAT Calculation Type]
,[Transaction Type]
,[Transport Method]
,[Attached to Line No_]
,[Exit Point]
,[Transaction Specification]
,[Tax Area Code]
,[Tax Liable]
,[Tax Group Code]
,[VAT Clause Code]
,[VAT Bus_ Posting Group]
,[VAT Prod_ Posting Group]
,[Currency Code]
,[Outstanding Amount (LCY)]
,[Shipped Not Invoiced (LCY)]
,[VAT Base Amount]
,[Unit Cost]
,[Line Amount]
,[VAT Difference]
,[Inv_ Disc_ Amount to Invoice]
,[VAT Identifier]
,[Pmt_ Discount Amount]
,[Dimension Set ID]
,[Time Sheet No_]
,[Time Sheet Line No_]
,[Time Sheet Date]
,[Job Planning Line No_]
,[Job Remaining Qty_]
,[Job Remaining Qty_ (Base)]
,[Job Remaining Total Cost]
,[Job Remaining Total Cost (LCY)]
,[Job Remaining Line Amount]
,[Variant Code]
,[Bin Code]
,[Qty_ per Unit of Measure]
,[Unit of Measure Code]
,[Qty_ Rounding Precision]
,[Qty_ Rounding Precision (Base)]
,[Quantity (Base)]
,[Outstanding Qty_ (Base)]
,[Qty_ to Invoice (Base)]
,[Qty_ to Ship (Base)]
,[Qty_ Shipped Not Invd_ (Base)]
,[Qty_ Shipped (Base)]
,[Qty_ Invoiced (Base)]
,[Responsibility Center]
,[Item Category Code]
,[Product Group Code]
,[Completely Shipped]
,[Requested Delivery Date]
,[Promised Delivery Date]
,[Shipping Time]
,[Planned Delivery Date]
,[Shipping Agent Code]
,[Shipping Agent Service Code]
,[Appl_-from Item Entry]
,[Service Item No_]
,[Appl_-to Service Entry]
,[Service Item Line No_]
,[Service Item Serial No_]
,[Serv_ Price Adjmt_ Gr_ Code]
,[Posting Date]
,[Order Date]
,[Needed by Date]
,[Ship-to Code]
,[Qty_ to Consume]
,[Quantity Consumed]
,[Qty_ to Consume (Base)]
,[Qty_ Consumed (Base)]
,[Service Price Group Code]
,[Fault Area Code]
,[Symptom Code]
,[Fault Code]
,[Resolution Code]
,[Exclude Warranty]
,[Contract No_]
,[Contract Disc_ _]
,[Warranty Disc_ _]
,[Component Line No_]
,[Spare Part Action]
,[Fault Reason Code]
,[Replaced Item No_]
,[Exclude Contract Discount]
,[Replaced Item Type]
,[Price Adjmt_ Status]
,[Line Discount Type]
,[Copy Components From]
,[Return Reason Code]
,[Price Calculation Method]
,[Allow Line Disc_]
,[Customer Disc_ Group]
,[Qty_ Picked]
,[Qty_ Picked (Base)]
,[Completely Picked]
,[Pick Qty_ (Base)]
[CRONUS UK Ltd_$Service Line$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972]
Show/hide an example select of all columns including those from all joined tables
[CRONUS UK Ltd_$Service Line$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Service Line]
[CRONUS UK Ltd_$Sales Header Archive$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Sales Header Archive]
[Service Line].[Document Type] = [Sales Header Archive].[Document Type]
[Service Line].[Document No_] = [Sales Header Archive].[No_]
[CRONUS UK Ltd_$Sales Header$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Sales Header]
[Service Line].[Document Type] = [Sales Header].[Document Type]
[Service Line].[Document No_] = [Sales Header].[No_]
[CRONUS UK Ltd_$Location$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Location]
[Service Line].[Location Code] = [Location].[Code]
[CRONUS UK Ltd_$Customer Posting Group$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Customer Posting Group]
[Service Line].[Posting Group] = [Customer Posting Group].[Code]
[CRONUS UK Ltd_$Unit of Measure$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Unit of Measure]
[Service Line].[Unit of Measure] = [Unit of Measure].[Code]
[CRONUS UK Ltd_$Dimension$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Dimension]
[Service Line].[Shortcut Dimension 1 Code] = [Dimension].[Code]
[CRONUS UK Ltd_$Dimension$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Dimension]
[Service Line].[Shortcut Dimension 2 Code] = [Dimension].[Code]
[CRONUS UK Ltd_$Customer Price Group$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Customer Price Group]
[Service Line].[Customer Price Group] = [Customer Price Group].[Code]
[CRONUS UK Ltd_$Work Type$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Work Type]
[Service Line].[Work Type Code] = [Work Type].[Code]
[CRONUS UK Ltd_$Transaction Type$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Transaction Type]
[Service Line].[Transaction Type] = [Transaction Type].[Code]
[CRONUS UK Ltd_$Transport Method$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Transport Method]
[Service Line].[Transport Method] = [Transport Method].[Code]
[CRONUS UK Ltd_$Entry_Exit Point$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Entry/Exit Point]
[Service Line].[Exit Point] = [Entry/Exit Point].[Code]
[CRONUS UK Ltd_$Area$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Area]
[Service Line].[Area] = [Area].[Code]
[CRONUS UK Ltd_$Transaction Specification$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Transaction Specification]
[Service Line].[Transaction Specification] = [Transaction Specification].[Code]
[CRONUS UK Ltd_$Tax Area$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Tax Area]
[Service Line].[Tax Area Code] = [Tax Area].[Code]
[CRONUS UK Ltd_$Tax Group$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Tax Group]
[Service Line].[Tax Group Code] = [Tax Group].[Code]
[CRONUS UK Ltd_$VAT Clause$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [VAT Clause]
[Service Line].[VAT Clause Code] = [VAT Clause].[Code]
[CRONUS UK Ltd_$Currency$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Currency]
[Service Line].[Currency Code] = [Currency].[Code]
[CRONUS UK Ltd_$Dimension Set Entry$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Dimension Set Entry]
[Service Line].[Dimension Set ID] = [Dimension Set Entry].[Dimension Set ID]
[CRONUS UK Ltd_$Item Variant$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Item Variant]
[Service Line].[Variant Code] = [Item Variant].[Code]
[CRONUS UK Ltd_$Bin$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Bin]
[Service Line].[Bin Code] = [Bin].[Code]
[CRONUS UK Ltd_$Responsibility Center$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Responsibility Center]
[Service Line].[Responsibility Center] = [Responsibility Center].[Code]
[CRONUS UK Ltd_$Item Category$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Item Category]
[Service Line].[Item Category Code] = [Item Category].[Code]
[CRONUS UK Ltd_$Shipping Agent$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972$ext] AS [Shipping Agent]
[Service Line].[Shipping Agent Code] = [Shipping Agent].[Code]
[CRONUS UK Ltd_$Ship-to Address$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Ship-to Address]
[Service Line].[Ship-to Code] = [Ship-to Address].[Code]
[CRONUS UK Ltd_$Service Price Group$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Service Price Group]
[Service Line].[Service Price Group Code] = [Service Price Group].[Code]
[CRONUS UK Ltd_$Fault Area$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Fault Area]
[Service Line].[Fault Area Code] = [Fault Area].[Code]
[CRONUS UK Ltd_$Symptom Code$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Symptom Code]
[Service Line].[Symptom Code] = [Symptom Code].[Code]
[CRONUS UK Ltd_$Resolution Code$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Resolution Code]
[Service Line].[Resolution Code] = [Resolution Code].[Code]
[CRONUS UK Ltd_$Fault Reason Code$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Fault Reason Code]
[Service Line].[Fault Reason Code] = [Fault Reason Code].[Code]
[CRONUS UK Ltd_$Return Reason$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Return Reason]
[Service Line].[Return Reason Code] = [Return Reason].[Code]
[User] AS [User]
[Service Line].[SystemCreatedBy] = [User].[User Security ID]
[User] AS [User]
[Service Line].[SystemModifiedBy] = [User].[User Security ID]
Show/hide columns in Service Line table
Field No. | Field Name | Field Caption | Class | Type | Length | SQL Column Name | SQL DataType |
1 | Document Type | Document Type | Normal | Option | 4 | Document Type | int |
Available options are:
| |||||||
2 | Customer No. | Customer No. | Normal | Code | 20 | Customer No_ | nvarchar(40) |
Key to join to the Customer table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Service Line].[Customer No_] ,[Customer].[No_] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Service Line$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Service Line] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Customer$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Customer] ON [Service Line].[Customer No_] = [Customer].[No_] | |||||||
3 | Document No. | Document No. | Normal | Code | 20 | Document No_ | nvarchar(40) |
4 | Line No. | Line No. | Normal | Integer | 4 | Line No_ | int |
5 | Type | Type | Normal | Option | 4 | Type | int |
Available options are:
| |||||||
6 | No. | No. | Normal | Code | 20 | No_ | nvarchar(40) |
7 | Location Code | Location Code | Normal | Code | 10 | Location Code | nvarchar(20) |
Key to join to the Location table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Service Line].[Location Code] ,[Location].[Code] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Service Line$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Service Line] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Location$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Location] ON [Service Line].[Location Code] = [Location].[Code] | |||||||
8 | Posting Group | Posting Group | Normal | Code | 20 | Posting Group | nvarchar(40) |
Key to join to the Customer Posting Group table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Service Line].[Posting Group] ,[Customer Posting Group].[Code] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Service Line$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Service Line] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Customer Posting Group$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Customer Posting Group] ON [Service Line].[Posting Group] = [Customer Posting Group].[Code] | |||||||
11 | Description | Description | Normal | Text | 100 | Description | nvarchar(200) |
12 | Description 2 | Description 2 | Normal | Text | 50 | Description 2 | nvarchar(100) |
13 | Unit of Measure | Unit of Measure | Normal | Text | 50 | Unit of Measure | nvarchar(100) |
Key to join to the Unit of Measure table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Service Line].[Unit of Measure] ,[Unit of Measure].[Code] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Service Line$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Service Line] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Unit of Measure$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Unit of Measure] ON [Service Line].[Unit of Measure] = [Unit of Measure].[Code] | |||||||
15 | Quantity | Quantity | Normal | Decimal | 12 | Quantity | decimal(38,38) |
16 | Outstanding Quantity | Outstanding Quantity | Normal | Decimal | 12 | Outstanding Quantity | decimal(38,38) |
17 | Qty. to Invoice | Qty. to Invoice | Normal | Decimal | 12 | Qty_ to Invoice | decimal(38,38) |
18 | Qty. to Ship | Qty. to Ship | Normal | Decimal | 12 | Qty_ to Ship | decimal(38,38) |
22 | Unit Price | Unit Price | Normal | Decimal | 12 | Unit Price | decimal(38,38) |
23 | Unit Cost (LCY) | Unit Cost ($) | Normal | Decimal | 12 | Unit Cost (LCY) | decimal(38,38) |
25 | VAT % | Tax % | Normal | Decimal | 12 | VAT _ | decimal(38,38) |
27 | Line Discount % | Line Discount % | Normal | Decimal | 12 | Line Discount _ | decimal(38,38) |
28 | Line Discount Amount | Line Discount Amount | Normal | Decimal | 12 | Line Discount Amount | decimal(38,38) |
29 | Amount | Amount | Normal | Decimal | 12 | Amount | decimal(38,38) |
30 | Amount Including VAT | Amount Including Tax | Normal | Decimal | 12 | Amount Including VAT | decimal(38,38) |
32 | Allow Invoice Disc. | Allow Invoice Disc. | Normal | Boolean | 4 | Allow Invoice Disc_ | tinyint |
34 | Gross Weight | Gross Weight | Normal | Decimal | 12 | Gross Weight | decimal(38,38) |
35 | Net Weight | Net Weight | Normal | Decimal | 12 | Net Weight | decimal(38,38) |
36 | Units per Parcel | Units per Parcel | Normal | Decimal | 12 | Units per Parcel | decimal(38,38) |
37 | Unit Volume | Unit Volume | Normal | Decimal | 12 | Unit Volume | decimal(38,38) |
38 | Appl.-to Item Entry | Appl.-to Item Entry | Normal | Integer | 4 | Appl_-to Item Entry | int |
40 | Shortcut Dimension 1 Code | Shortcut Dimension 1 Code | Normal | Code | 20 | Shortcut Dimension 1 Code | nvarchar(40) |
Key to join to the Dimension table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Service Line].[Shortcut Dimension 1 Code] ,[Dimension].[Code] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Service Line$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Service Line] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Dimension$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Dimension] ON [Service Line].[Shortcut Dimension 1 Code] = [Dimension].[Code] | |||||||
41 | Shortcut Dimension 2 Code | Shortcut Dimension 2 Code | Normal | Code | 20 | Shortcut Dimension 2 Code | nvarchar(40) |
Key to join to the Dimension table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Service Line].[Shortcut Dimension 2 Code] ,[Dimension].[Code] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Service Line$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Service Line] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Dimension$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Dimension] ON [Service Line].[Shortcut Dimension 2 Code] = [Dimension].[Code] | |||||||
42 | Customer Price Group | Customer Price Group | Normal | Code | 10 | Customer Price Group | nvarchar(20) |
Key to join to the Customer Price Group table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Service Line].[Customer Price Group] ,[Customer Price Group].[Code] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Service Line$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Service Line] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Customer Price Group$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Customer Price Group] ON [Service Line].[Customer Price Group] = [Customer Price Group].[Code] | |||||||
45 | Job No. | Job No. | Normal | Code | 20 | Job No_ | nvarchar(40) |
Key to join to the Job table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Service Line].[Job No_] ,[Job].[No_] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Service Line$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Service Line] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Job$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Job] ON [Service Line].[Job No_] = [Job].[No_] | |||||||
46 | Job Task No. | Job Task No. | Normal | Code | 20 | Job Task No_ | nvarchar(40) |
47 | Job Line Type | Job Line Type | Normal | Option | 4 | Job Line Type | int |
Available options are:
| |||||||
52 | Work Type Code | Work Type Code | Normal | Code | 10 | Work Type Code | nvarchar(20) |
Key to join to the Work Type table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Service Line].[Work Type Code] ,[Work Type].[Code] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Service Line$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Service Line] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Work Type$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Work Type] ON [Service Line].[Work Type Code] = [Work Type].[Code] | |||||||
57 | Outstanding Amount | Outstanding Amount | Normal | Decimal | 12 | Outstanding Amount | decimal(38,38) |
58 | Qty. Shipped Not Invoiced | Qty. Shipped Not Invoiced | Normal | Decimal | 12 | Qty_ Shipped Not Invoiced | decimal(38,38) |
59 | Shipped Not Invoiced | Shipped Not Invoiced | Normal | Decimal | 12 | Shipped Not Invoiced | decimal(38,38) |
60 | Quantity Shipped | Quantity Shipped | Normal | Decimal | 12 | Quantity Shipped | decimal(38,38) |
61 | Quantity Invoiced | Quantity Invoiced | Normal | Decimal | 12 | Quantity Invoiced | decimal(38,38) |
63 | Shipment No. | Shipment No. | Normal | Code | 20 | Shipment No_ | nvarchar(40) |
64 | Shipment Line No. | Shipment Line No. | Normal | Integer | 4 | Shipment Line No_ | int |
65 | Order No. | Order No. | Normal | Code | 20 | Order No_ | nvarchar(40) |
68 | Bill-to Customer No. | Bill-to Customer No. | Normal | Code | 20 | Bill-to Customer No_ | nvarchar(40) |
Key to join to the Customer table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Service Line].[Bill-to Customer No_] ,[Customer].[No_] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Service Line$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Service Line] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Customer$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Customer] ON [Service Line].[Bill-to Customer No_] = [Customer].[No_] | |||||||
69 | Inv. Discount Amount | Inv. Discount Amount | Normal | Decimal | 12 | Inv_ Discount Amount | decimal(38,38) |
74 | Gen. Bus. Posting Group | Gen. Bus. Posting Group | Normal | Code | 20 | Gen_ Bus_ Posting Group | nvarchar(40) |
Key to join to the Gen. Business Posting Group table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Service Line].[Gen_ Bus_ Posting Group] ,[Gen. Business Posting Group].[Code] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Service Line$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Service Line] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Gen_ Business Posting Group$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Gen. Business Posting Group] ON [Service Line].[Gen_ Bus_ Posting Group] = [Gen. Business Posting Group].[Code] | |||||||
75 | Gen. Prod. Posting Group | Gen. Prod. Posting Group | Normal | Code | 20 | Gen_ Prod_ Posting Group | nvarchar(40) |
Key to join to the Gen. Product Posting Group table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Service Line].[Gen_ Prod_ Posting Group] ,[Gen. Product Posting Group].[Code] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Service Line$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Service Line] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Gen_ Product Posting Group$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Gen. Product Posting Group] ON [Service Line].[Gen_ Prod_ Posting Group] = [Gen. Product Posting Group].[Code] | |||||||
77 | VAT Calculation Type | VAT Calculation Type | Normal | Option | 4 | VAT Calculation Type | int |
Available options are:
| |||||||
78 | Transaction Type | Transaction Type | Normal | Code | 10 | Transaction Type | nvarchar(20) |
Key to join to the Transaction Type table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Service Line].[Transaction Type] ,[Transaction Type].[Code] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Service Line$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Service Line] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Transaction Type$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Transaction Type] ON [Service Line].[Transaction Type] = [Transaction Type].[Code] | |||||||
79 | Transport Method | Transport Method | Normal | Code | 10 | Transport Method | nvarchar(20) |
Key to join to the Transport Method table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Service Line].[Transport Method] ,[Transport Method].[Code] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Service Line$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Service Line] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Transport Method$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Transport Method] ON [Service Line].[Transport Method] = [Transport Method].[Code] | |||||||
80 | Attached to Line No. | Attached to Line No. | Normal | Integer | 4 | Attached to Line No_ | int |
81 | Exit Point | Exit Point | Normal | Code | 10 | Exit Point | nvarchar(20) |
Key to join to the Entry/Exit Point table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Service Line].[Exit Point] ,[Entry/Exit Point].[Code] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Service Line$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Service Line] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Entry_Exit Point$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Entry/Exit Point] ON [Service Line].[Exit Point] = [Entry/Exit Point].[Code] | |||||||
82 | Area | Area | Normal | Code | 10 | Area | nvarchar(20) |
Key to join to the Area table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Service Line].[Area] ,[Area].[Code] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Service Line$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Service Line] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Area$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Area] ON [Service Line].[Area] = [Area].[Code] | |||||||
83 | Transaction Specification | Transaction Specification | Normal | Code | 10 | Transaction Specification | nvarchar(20) |
Key to join to the Transaction Specification table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Service Line].[Transaction Specification] ,[Transaction Specification].[Code] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Service Line$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Service Line] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Transaction Specification$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Transaction Specification] ON [Service Line].[Transaction Specification] = [Transaction Specification].[Code] | |||||||
85 | Tax Area Code | Tax Area Code | Normal | Code | 20 | Tax Area Code | nvarchar(40) |
Key to join to the Tax Area table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Service Line].[Tax Area Code] ,[Tax Area].[Code] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Service Line$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Service Line] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Tax Area$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Tax Area] ON [Service Line].[Tax Area Code] = [Tax Area].[Code] | |||||||
86 | Tax Liable | Tax Liable | Normal | Boolean | 4 | Tax Liable | tinyint |
87 | Tax Group Code | Tax Group Code | Normal | Code | 20 | Tax Group Code | nvarchar(40) |
Key to join to the Tax Group table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Service Line].[Tax Group Code] ,[Tax Group].[Code] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Service Line$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Service Line] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Tax Group$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Tax Group] ON [Service Line].[Tax Group Code] = [Tax Group].[Code] | |||||||
88 | VAT Clause Code | Tax Clause Code | Normal | Code | 20 | VAT Clause Code | nvarchar(40) |
Key to join to the VAT Clause table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Service Line].[VAT Clause Code] ,[VAT Clause].[Code] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Service Line$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Service Line] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$VAT Clause$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [VAT Clause] ON [Service Line].[VAT Clause Code] = [VAT Clause].[Code] | |||||||
89 | VAT Bus. Posting Group | VAT Bus. Posting Group | Normal | Code | 20 | VAT Bus_ Posting Group | nvarchar(40) |
Key to join to the VAT Business Posting Group table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Service Line].[VAT Bus_ Posting Group] ,[VAT Business Posting Group].[Code] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Service Line$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Service Line] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$VAT Business Posting Group$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [VAT Business Posting Group] ON [Service Line].[VAT Bus_ Posting Group] = [VAT Business Posting Group].[Code] | |||||||
90 | VAT Prod. Posting Group | VAT Prod. Posting Group | Normal | Code | 20 | VAT Prod_ Posting Group | nvarchar(40) |
Key to join to the VAT Product Posting Group table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Service Line].[VAT Prod_ Posting Group] ,[VAT Product Posting Group].[Code] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Service Line$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Service Line] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$VAT Product Posting Group$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [VAT Product Posting Group] ON [Service Line].[VAT Prod_ Posting Group] = [VAT Product Posting Group].[Code] | |||||||
91 | Currency Code | Currency Code | Normal | Code | 10 | Currency Code | nvarchar(20) |
Key to join to the Currency table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Service Line].[Currency Code] ,[Currency].[Code] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Service Line$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Service Line] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Currency$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Currency] ON [Service Line].[Currency Code] = [Currency].[Code] | |||||||
92 | Outstanding Amount (LCY) | Outstanding Amount ($) | Normal | Decimal | 12 | Outstanding Amount (LCY) | decimal(38,38) |
93 | Shipped Not Invoiced (LCY) | Shipped Not Invoiced ($) | Normal | Decimal | 12 | Shipped Not Invoiced (LCY) | decimal(38,38) |
95 | Reserved Quantity | Reserved Quantity | FlowField | Decimal | 12 | ||
96 | Reserve | Reserve | Normal | Option | 4 | Reserve | int |
Available options are:
| |||||||
99 | VAT Base Amount | Tax Base Amount | Normal | Decimal | 12 | VAT Base Amount | decimal(38,38) |
100 | Unit Cost | Unit Cost | Normal | Decimal | 12 | Unit Cost | decimal(38,38) |
101 | System-Created Entry | System-Created Entry | Normal | Boolean | 4 | ||
103 | Line Amount | Line Amount | Normal | Decimal | 12 | Line Amount | decimal(38,38) |
104 | VAT Difference | Tax Difference | Normal | Decimal | 12 | VAT Difference | decimal(38,38) |
105 | Inv. Disc. Amount to Invoice | Inv. Disc. Amount to Invoice | Normal | Decimal | 12 | Inv_ Disc_ Amount to Invoice | decimal(38,38) |
106 | VAT Identifier | Tax Identifier | Normal | Code | 20 | VAT Identifier | nvarchar(40) |
145 | Pmt. Discount Amount | Pmt. Discount Amount | Normal | Decimal | 12 | Pmt_ Discount Amount | decimal(38,38) |
480 | Dimension Set ID | Dimension Set ID | Normal | Integer | 4 | Dimension Set ID | int |
Key to join to the Dimension Set Entry table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Service Line].[Dimension Set ID] ,[Dimension Set Entry].[Dimension Set ID] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Service Line$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Service Line] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Dimension Set Entry$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Dimension Set Entry] ON [Service Line].[Dimension Set ID] = [Dimension Set Entry].[Dimension Set ID] | |||||||
950 | Time Sheet No. | Time Sheet No. | Normal | Code | 20 | Time Sheet No_ | nvarchar(40) |
951 | Time Sheet Line No. | Time Sheet Line No. | Normal | Integer | 4 | Time Sheet Line No_ | int |
952 | Time Sheet Date | Time Sheet Date | Normal | Date | 4 | Time Sheet Date | datetime |
1019 | Job Planning Line No. | Job Planning Line No. | Normal | Integer | 4 | Job Planning Line No_ | int |
1030 | Job Remaining Qty. | Job Remaining Qty. | Normal | Decimal | 12 | Job Remaining Qty_ | decimal(38,38) |
1031 | Job Remaining Qty. (Base) | Job Remaining Qty. (Base) | Normal | Decimal | 12 | Job Remaining Qty_ (Base) | decimal(38,38) |
1032 | Job Remaining Total Cost | Job Remaining Total Cost | Normal | Decimal | 12 | Job Remaining Total Cost | decimal(38,38) |
1033 | Job Remaining Total Cost (LCY) | Job Remaining Total Cost ($) | Normal | Decimal | 12 | Job Remaining Total Cost (LCY) | decimal(38,38) |
1034 | Job Remaining Line Amount | Job Remaining Line Amount | Normal | Decimal | 12 | Job Remaining Line Amount | decimal(38,38) |
5402 | Variant Code | Variant Code | Normal | Code | 10 | Variant Code | nvarchar(20) |
Key to join to the Item Variant table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Service Line].[Variant Code] ,[Item Variant].[Code] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Service Line$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Service Line] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Item Variant$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Item Variant] ON [Service Line].[Variant Code] = [Item Variant].[Code] | |||||||
5403 | Bin Code | Bin Code | Normal | Code | 20 | Bin Code | nvarchar(40) |
Key to join to the Bin table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Service Line].[Bin Code] ,[Bin].[Code] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Service Line$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Service Line] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Bin$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Bin] ON [Service Line].[Bin Code] = [Bin].[Code] | |||||||
5404 | Qty. per Unit of Measure | Qty. per Unit of Measure | Normal | Decimal | 12 | Qty_ per Unit of Measure | decimal(38,38) |
5405 | Planned | Planned | Normal | Boolean | 4 | Planned | tinyint |
5407 | Unit of Measure Code | Unit of Measure Code | Normal | Code | 10 | Unit of Measure Code | nvarchar(20) |
5408 | Qty. Rounding Precision | Qty. Rounding Precision | Normal | Decimal | 12 | Qty_ Rounding Precision | decimal(38,38) |
5409 | Qty. Rounding Precision (Base) | Qty. Rounding Precision (Base) | Normal | Decimal | 12 | Qty_ Rounding Precision (Base) | decimal(38,38) |
5415 | Quantity (Base) | Quantity (Base) | Normal | Decimal | 12 | Quantity (Base) | decimal(38,38) |
5416 | Outstanding Qty. (Base) | Outstanding Qty. (Base) | Normal | Decimal | 12 | Outstanding Qty_ (Base) | decimal(38,38) |
5417 | Qty. to Invoice (Base) | Qty. to Invoice (Base) | Normal | Decimal | 12 | Qty_ to Invoice (Base) | decimal(38,38) |
5418 | Qty. to Ship (Base) | Qty. to Ship (Base) | Normal | Decimal | 12 | Qty_ to Ship (Base) | decimal(38,38) |
5458 | Qty. Shipped Not Invd. (Base) | Qty. Shipped Not Invd. (Base) | Normal | Decimal | 12 | Qty_ Shipped Not Invd_ (Base) | decimal(38,38) |
5460 | Qty. Shipped (Base) | Qty. Shipped (Base) | Normal | Decimal | 12 | Qty_ Shipped (Base) | decimal(38,38) |
5461 | Qty. Invoiced (Base) | Qty. Invoiced (Base) | Normal | Decimal | 12 | Qty_ Invoiced (Base) | decimal(38,38) |
5495 | Reserved Qty. (Base) | Reserved Qty. (Base) | FlowField | Decimal | 12 | ||
5700 | Responsibility Center | Responsibility Center | Normal | Code | 10 | Responsibility Center | nvarchar(20) |
Key to join to the Responsibility Center table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Service Line].[Responsibility Center] ,[Responsibility Center].[Code] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Service Line$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Service Line] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Responsibility Center$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Responsibility Center] ON [Service Line].[Responsibility Center] = [Responsibility Center].[Code] | |||||||
5702 | Substitution Available | Substitution Available | FlowField | Boolean | 4 | ||
5709 | Item Category Code | Item Category Code | Normal | Code | 20 | Item Category Code | nvarchar(40) |
Key to join to the Item Category table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Service Line].[Item Category Code] ,[Item Category].[Code] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Service Line$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Service Line] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Item Category$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Item Category] ON [Service Line].[Item Category Code] = [Item Category].[Code] | |||||||
5710 | Nonstock | Catalog | Normal | Boolean | 4 | Nonstock | tinyint |
5712 | Product Group Code | Product Group Code | Normal | Code | 10 | Product Group Code | nvarchar(20) |
5750 | Whse. Outstanding Qty. (Base) | Whse. Outstanding Qty. (Base) | FlowField | Decimal | 12 | ||
5752 | Completely Shipped | Completely Shipped | Normal | Boolean | 4 | Completely Shipped | tinyint |
5790 | Requested Delivery Date | Requested Delivery Date | Normal | Date | 4 | Requested Delivery Date | datetime |
5791 | Promised Delivery Date | Promised Delivery Date | Normal | Date | 4 | Promised Delivery Date | datetime |
5792 | Shipping Time | Shipping Time | Normal | DateFormula | 32 | Shipping Time | varchar(32) |
5794 | Planned Delivery Date | Planned Delivery Date | Normal | Date | 4 | Planned Delivery Date | datetime |
5796 | Shipping Agent Code | Shipping Agent Code | Normal | Code | 10 | Shipping Agent Code | nvarchar(20) |
Key to join to the Shipping Agent table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Service Line].[Shipping Agent Code] ,[Shipping Agent].[Code] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Service Line$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Service Line] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Shipping Agent$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972$ext] AS [Shipping Agent] ON [Service Line].[Shipping Agent Code] = [Shipping Agent].[Code] | |||||||
5797 | Shipping Agent Service Code | Shipping Agent Service Code | Normal | Code | 10 | Shipping Agent Service Code | nvarchar(20) |
5811 | Appl.-from Item Entry | Appl.-from Item Entry | Normal | Integer | 4 | Appl_-from Item Entry | int |
5902 | Service Item No. | Service Item No. | Normal | Code | 20 | Service Item No_ | nvarchar(40) |
Key to join to the Service Item table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Service Line].[Service Item No_] ,[Service Item].[No_] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Service Line$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Service Line] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Service Item$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Service Item] ON [Service Line].[Service Item No_] = [Service Item].[No_] | |||||||
5903 | Appl.-to Service Entry | Appl.-to Service Entry | Normal | Integer | 4 | Appl_-to Service Entry | int |
5904 | Service Item Line No. | Service Item Line No. | Normal | Integer | 4 | Service Item Line No_ | int |
5905 | Service Item Serial No. | Service Item Serial No. | Normal | Code | 50 | Service Item Serial No_ | nvarchar(100) |
5906 | Service Item Line Description | Service Item Line Description | FlowField | Text | 100 | ||
5907 | Serv. Price Adjmt. Gr. Code | Serv. Price Adjmt. Gr. Code | Normal | Code | 10 | Serv_ Price Adjmt_ Gr_ Code | nvarchar(20) |
Key to join to the Service Price Adjustment Group table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Service Line].[Serv_ Price Adjmt_ Gr_ Code] ,[Service Price Adjustment Group].[Code] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Service Line$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Service Line] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Service Price Adjustment Group$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Service Price Adjustment Group] ON [Service Line].[Serv_ Price Adjmt_ Gr_ Code] = [Service Price Adjustment Group].[Code] | |||||||
5908 | Posting Date | Posting Date | Normal | Date | 4 | Posting Date | datetime |
5909 | Order Date | Order Date | Normal | Date | 4 | Order Date | datetime |
5910 | Needed by Date | Needed by Date | Normal | Date | 4 | Needed by Date | datetime |
5916 | Ship-to Code | Ship-to Code | Normal | Code | 10 | Ship-to Code | nvarchar(20) |
Key to join to the Ship-to Address table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Service Line].[Ship-to Code] ,[Ship-to Address].[Code] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Service Line$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Service Line] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Ship-to Address$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Ship-to Address] ON [Service Line].[Ship-to Code] = [Ship-to Address].[Code] | |||||||
5917 | Qty. to Consume | Qty. to Consume | Normal | Decimal | 12 | Qty_ to Consume | decimal(38,38) |
5918 | Quantity Consumed | Quantity Consumed | Normal | Decimal | 12 | Quantity Consumed | decimal(38,38) |
5919 | Qty. to Consume (Base) | Qty. to Consume (Base) | Normal | Decimal | 12 | Qty_ to Consume (Base) | decimal(38,38) |
5920 | Qty. Consumed (Base) | Qty. Consumed (Base) | Normal | Decimal | 12 | Qty_ Consumed (Base) | decimal(38,38) |
5928 | Service Price Group Code | Service Price Group Code | Normal | Code | 10 | Service Price Group Code | nvarchar(20) |
Key to join to the Service Price Group table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Service Line].[Service Price Group Code] ,[Service Price Group].[Code] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Service Line$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Service Line] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Service Price Group$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Service Price Group] ON [Service Line].[Service Price Group Code] = [Service Price Group].[Code] | |||||||
5929 | Fault Area Code | Fault Area Code | Normal | Code | 10 | Fault Area Code | nvarchar(20) |
Key to join to the Fault Area table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Service Line].[Fault Area Code] ,[Fault Area].[Code] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Service Line$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Service Line] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Fault Area$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Fault Area] ON [Service Line].[Fault Area Code] = [Fault Area].[Code] | |||||||
5930 | Symptom Code | Symptom Code | Normal | Code | 10 | Symptom Code | nvarchar(20) |
Key to join to the Symptom Code table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Service Line].[Symptom Code] ,[Symptom Code].[Code] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Service Line$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Service Line] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Symptom Code$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Symptom Code] ON [Service Line].[Symptom Code] = [Symptom Code].[Code] | |||||||
5931 | Fault Code | Fault Code | Normal | Code | 10 | Fault Code | nvarchar(20) |
5932 | Resolution Code | Resolution Code | Normal | Code | 10 | Resolution Code | nvarchar(20) |
Key to join to the Resolution Code table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Service Line].[Resolution Code] ,[Resolution Code].[Code] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Service Line$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Service Line] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Resolution Code$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Resolution Code] ON [Service Line].[Resolution Code] = [Resolution Code].[Code] | |||||||
5933 | Exclude Warranty | Exclude Warranty | Normal | Boolean | 4 | Exclude Warranty | tinyint |
5934 | Warranty | Warranty | Normal | Boolean | 4 | Warranty | tinyint |
5936 | Contract No. | Contract No. | Normal | Code | 20 | Contract No_ | nvarchar(40) |
5938 | Contract Disc. % | Contract Disc. % | Normal | Decimal | 12 | Contract Disc_ _ | decimal(38,38) |
5939 | Warranty Disc. % | Warranty Disc. % | Normal | Decimal | 12 | Warranty Disc_ _ | decimal(38,38) |
5965 | Component Line No. | Component Line No. | Normal | Integer | 4 | Component Line No_ | int |
5966 | Spare Part Action | Spare Part Action | Normal | Option | 4 | Spare Part Action | int |
Available options are:
| |||||||
5967 | Fault Reason Code | Fault Reason Code | Normal | Code | 10 | Fault Reason Code | nvarchar(20) |
Key to join to the Fault Reason Code table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Service Line].[Fault Reason Code] ,[Fault Reason Code].[Code] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Service Line$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Service Line] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Fault Reason Code$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Fault Reason Code] ON [Service Line].[Fault Reason Code] = [Fault Reason Code].[Code] | |||||||
5968 | Replaced Item No. | Replaced Item No. | Normal | Code | 20 | Replaced Item No_ | nvarchar(40) |
Key to join to the Item table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Service Line].[Replaced Item No_] ,[Item].[No_] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Service Line$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Service Line] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Item$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972$ext] AS [Item] ON [Service Line].[Replaced Item No_] = [Item].[No_] | |||||||
5969 | Exclude Contract Discount | Exclude Contract Discount | Normal | Boolean | 4 | Exclude Contract Discount | tinyint |
5970 | Replaced Item Type | Replaced Item Type | Normal | Option | 4 | Replaced Item Type | int |
Available options are:
| |||||||
5994 | Price Adjmt. Status | Price Adjmt. Status | Normal | Option | 4 | Price Adjmt_ Status | int |
Available options are:
| |||||||
5997 | Line Discount Type | Line Discount Type | Normal | Option | 4 | Line Discount Type | int |
Available options are:
| |||||||
5999 | Copy Components From | Copy Components From | Normal | Option | 4 | Copy Components From | int |
Available options are:
| |||||||
6608 | Return Reason Code | Return Reason Code | Normal | Code | 10 | Return Reason Code | nvarchar(20) |
Key to join to the Return Reason table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Service Line].[Return Reason Code] ,[Return Reason].[Code] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Service Line$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Service Line] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Return Reason$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Return Reason] ON [Service Line].[Return Reason Code] = [Return Reason].[Code] | |||||||
7000 | Price Calculation Method | Price Calculation Method | Normal | Option | 4 | Price Calculation Method | int |
Available options are:
| |||||||
7001 | Allow Line Disc. | Allow Line Disc. | Normal | Boolean | 4 | Allow Line Disc_ | tinyint |
7002 | Customer Disc. Group | Customer Disc. Group | Normal | Code | 20 | Customer Disc_ Group | nvarchar(40) |
Key to join to the Customer Discount Group table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Service Line].[Customer Disc_ Group] ,[Customer Discount Group].[Code] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Service Line$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Service Line] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Customer Discount Group$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Customer Discount Group] ON [Service Line].[Customer Disc_ Group] = [Customer Discount Group].[Code] | |||||||
7300 | Qty. Picked | Qty. Picked | Normal | Decimal | 12 | Qty_ Picked | decimal(38,38) |
7301 | Qty. Picked (Base) | Qty. Picked (Base) | Normal | Decimal | 12 | Qty_ Picked (Base) | decimal(38,38) |
7302 | Completely Picked | Completely Picked | Normal | Boolean | 4 | Completely Picked | tinyint |
7303 | Pick Qty. (Base) | Pick Qty. (Base) | Normal | Decimal | 12 | Pick Qty_ (Base) | decimal(38,38) |
2000000000 | $systemId | System ID | Normal | GUID | 16 | $systemId | uniqueidentifier |
2000000001 | SystemCreatedAt | Created At | Normal | DateTime | 8 | $systemCreatedAt | datetime |
2000000002 | SystemCreatedBy | Created By | Normal | GUID | 16 | $systemCreatedBy | uniqueidentifier |
Key to join to the User table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Service Line].[$systemCreatedBy] ,[User].[User Security ID] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Service Line$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Service Line] LEFT JOIN [User] AS [User] ON [Service Line].[$systemCreatedBy] = [User].[User Security ID] | |||||||
2000000003 | SystemModifiedAt | Modified At | Normal | DateTime | 8 | $systemModifiedAt | datetime |
2000000004 | SystemModifiedBy | Modified By | Normal | GUID | 16 | $systemModifiedBy | uniqueidentifier |