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Table Type: Company
Table Name: Sales Header
Database Table Name: CRONUS UK Ltd_$Sales Header$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972
Due to how Dynamics BC tables and columns are named, square brackets need to be wrapped around the table name and column names. Below are example queries showing how Sales Header can be queried.
Show/hide an example select of all columns
[CRONUS UK Ltd_$Sales Header$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972]
Show/hide an example select of all columns by name
[Document Type]
,[Sell-to Customer No_]
,[Bill-to Customer No_]
,[Bill-to Name]
,[Bill-to Name 2]
,[Bill-to Address]
,[Bill-to Address 2]
,[Bill-to City]
,[Bill-to Contact]
,[Your Reference]
,[Ship-to Code]
,[Ship-to Name]
,[Ship-to Name 2]
,[Ship-to Address]
,[Ship-to Address 2]
,[Ship-to City]
,[Ship-to Contact]
,[Order Date]
,[Posting Date]
,[Shipment Date]
,[Posting Description]
,[Payment Terms Code]
,[Due Date]
,[Payment Discount _]
,[Pmt_ Discount Date]
,[Shipment Method Code]
,[Location Code]
,[Shortcut Dimension 1 Code]
,[Shortcut Dimension 2 Code]
,[Customer Posting Group]
,[Currency Code]
,[Currency Factor]
,[Customer Price Group]
,[Prices Including VAT]
,[Invoice Disc_ Code]
,[Customer Disc_ Group]
,[Language Code]
,[Format Region]
,[Salesperson Code]
,[Order Class]
,[No_ Printed]
,[On Hold]
,[Applies-to Doc_ Type]
,[Applies-to Doc_ No_]
,[Bal_ Account No_]
,[Print Posted Documents]
,[Shipping No_]
,[Posting No_]
,[Last Shipping No_]
,[Last Posting No_]
,[Prepayment No_]
,[Last Prepayment No_]
,[Prepmt_ Cr_ Memo No_]
,[Last Prepmt_ Cr_ Memo No_]
,[VAT Registration No_]
,[Combine Shipments]
,[Reason Code]
,[Gen_ Bus_ Posting Group]
,[EU 3-Party Trade]
,[Transaction Type]
,[Transport Method]
,[VAT Country_Region Code]
,[Sell-to Customer Name]
,[Sell-to Customer Name 2]
,[Sell-to Address]
,[Sell-to Address 2]
,[Sell-to City]
,[Sell-to Contact]
,[Bill-to Post Code]
,[Bill-to County]
,[Bill-to Country_Region Code]
,[Sell-to Post Code]
,[Sell-to County]
,[Sell-to Country_Region Code]
,[Ship-to Post Code]
,[Ship-to County]
,[Ship-to Country_Region Code]
,[Bal_ Account Type]
,[Exit Point]
,[Document Date]
,[External Document No_]
,[Transaction Specification]
,[Payment Method Code]
,[Shipping Agent Code]
,[Package Tracking No_]
,[No_ Series]
,[Posting No_ Series]
,[Shipping No_ Series]
,[Tax Area Code]
,[Tax Liable]
,[VAT Bus_ Posting Group]
,[Applies-to ID]
,[VAT Base Discount _]
,[Invoice Discount Calculation]
,[Invoice Discount Value]
,[Send IC Document]
,[IC Status]
,[Sell-to IC Partner Code]
,[Bill-to IC Partner Code]
,[IC Reference Document No_]
,[IC Direction]
,[Prepayment _]
,[Prepayment No_ Series]
,[Compress Prepayment]
,[Prepayment Due Date]
,[Prepmt_ Cr_ Memo No_ Series]
,[Prepmt_ Posting Description]
,[Prepmt_ Pmt_ Discount Date]
,[Prepmt_ Payment Terms Code]
,[Prepmt_ Payment Discount _]
,[Quote No_]
,[Quote Valid Until Date]
,[Quote Sent to Customer]
,[Quote Accepted]
,[Quote Accepted Date]
,[Job Queue Status]
,[Job Queue Entry ID]
,[Company Bank Account Code]
,[Incoming Document Entry No_]
,[Sell-to Phone No_]
,[Sell-to E-Mail]
,[Payment Instructions Id]
,[Journal Templ_ Name]
,[VAT Reporting Date]
,[Rcvd-from Country_Region Code]
,[Rcvd_-from Count__Region Code]
,[Work Description]
,[Dimension Set ID]
,[Payment Service Set ID]
,[Coupled to CRM]
,[Direct Debit Mandate ID]
,[Doc_ No_ Occurrence]
,[Campaign No_]
,[Sell-to Customer Template Code]
,[Sell-to Contact No_]
,[Bill-to Contact No_]
,[Bill-to Customer Template Code]
,[Opportunity No_]
,[Sell-to Customer Templ_ Code]
,[Bill-to Customer Templ_ Code]
,[Responsibility Center]
,[Shipping Advice]
,[Posting from Whse_ Ref_]
,[Requested Delivery Date]
,[Promised Delivery Date]
,[Shipping Time]
,[Outbound Whse_ Handling Time]
,[Shipping Agent Service Code]
,[Return Receipt No_]
,[Return Receipt No_ Series]
,[Last Return Receipt No_]
,[Price Calculation Method]
,[Allow Line Disc_]
,[Get Shipment Used]
,[Assigned User ID]
[CRONUS UK Ltd_$Sales Header$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972]
Show/hide an example select of all columns including those from all joined tables
[CRONUS UK Ltd_$Sales Header$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Sales Header]
[CRONUS UK Ltd_$Sales Header Archive$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Sales Header Archive]
[Sales Header].[Document Type] = [Sales Header Archive].[Document Type]
[Sales Header].[Document No_] = [Sales Header Archive].[No_]
[CRONUS UK Ltd_$Sales Header$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Sales Header]
[Sales Header].[Document Type] = [Sales Header].[Document Type]
[Sales Header].[Document No_] = [Sales Header].[No_]
[CRONUS UK Ltd_$Customer$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Customer]
[Sales Header].[Bill-to Name] = [Customer].[Name]
[CRONUS UK Ltd_$Post Code$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Post Code]
[Sales Header].[Bill-to City] = [Post Code].[City]
[CRONUS UK Ltd_$Ship-to Address$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Ship-to Address]
[Sales Header].[Ship-to Code] = [Ship-to Address].[Code]
[CRONUS UK Ltd_$Post Code$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Post Code]
[Sales Header].[Ship-to City] = [Post Code].[City]
[CRONUS UK Ltd_$Payment Terms$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Payment Terms]
[Sales Header].[Payment Terms Code] = [Payment Terms].[Code]
[CRONUS UK Ltd_$Shipment Method$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Shipment Method]
[Sales Header].[Shipment Method Code] = [Shipment Method].[Code]
[CRONUS UK Ltd_$Location$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Location]
[Sales Header].[Location Code] = [Location].[Code]
[CRONUS UK Ltd_$Dimension$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Dimension]
[Sales Header].[Shortcut Dimension 1 Code] = [Dimension].[Code]
[CRONUS UK Ltd_$Dimension$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Dimension]
[Sales Header].[Shortcut Dimension 2 Code] = [Dimension].[Code]
[CRONUS UK Ltd_$Customer Posting Group$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Customer Posting Group]
[Sales Header].[Customer Posting Group] = [Customer Posting Group].[Code]
[CRONUS UK Ltd_$Currency$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Currency]
[Sales Header].[Currency Code] = [Currency].[Code]
[CRONUS UK Ltd_$Customer Price Group$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Customer Price Group]
[Sales Header].[Customer Price Group] = [Customer Price Group].[Code]
[CRONUS UK Ltd_$Language$63ca2fa4-4f03-4f2b-a480-172fef340d3f] AS [Language]
[Sales Header].[Language Code] = [Language].[Code]
[CRONUS UK Ltd_$Salesperson_Purchaser$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Salesperson/Purchaser]
[Sales Header].[Salesperson Code] = [Salesperson/Purchaser].[Code]
[CRONUS UK Ltd_$Reason Code$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Reason Code]
[Sales Header].[Reason Code] = [Reason Code].[Code]
[CRONUS UK Ltd_$Transaction Type$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Transaction Type]
[Sales Header].[Transaction Type] = [Transaction Type].[Code]
[CRONUS UK Ltd_$Transport Method$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Transport Method]
[Sales Header].[Transport Method] = [Transport Method].[Code]
[CRONUS UK Ltd_$Customer$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Customer]
[Sales Header].[Sell-to Customer Name] = [Customer].[Name]
[CRONUS UK Ltd_$Post Code$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Post Code]
[Sales Header].[Sell-to City] = [Post Code].[City]
[CRONUS UK Ltd_$Post Code$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Post Code]
[Sales Header].[Bill-to Post Code] = [Post Code].[Code]
[CRONUS UK Ltd_$Post Code$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Post Code]
[Sales Header].[Sell-to Post Code] = [Post Code].[Code]
[CRONUS UK Ltd_$Post Code$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Post Code]
[Sales Header].[Ship-to Post Code] = [Post Code].[Code]
[CRONUS UK Ltd_$Entry_Exit Point$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Entry/Exit Point]
[Sales Header].[Exit Point] = [Entry/Exit Point].[Code]
[CRONUS UK Ltd_$Area$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Area]
[Sales Header].[Area] = [Area].[Code]
[CRONUS UK Ltd_$Transaction Specification$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Transaction Specification]
[Sales Header].[Transaction Specification] = [Transaction Specification].[Code]
[CRONUS UK Ltd_$Payment Method$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972$ext] AS [Payment Method]
[Sales Header].[Payment Method Code] = [Payment Method].[Code]
[CRONUS UK Ltd_$Shipping Agent$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972$ext] AS [Shipping Agent]
[Sales Header].[Shipping Agent Code] = [Shipping Agent].[Code]
[CRONUS UK Ltd_$Tax Area$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Tax Area]
[Sales Header].[Tax Area Code] = [Tax Area].[Code]
[CRONUS UK Ltd_$IC Partner$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [IC Partner]
[Sales Header].[Sell-to IC Partner Code] = [IC Partner].[Code]
[CRONUS UK Ltd_$IC Partner$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [IC Partner]
[Sales Header].[Bill-to IC Partner Code] = [IC Partner].[Code]
[CRONUS UK Ltd_$O365 Payment Instructions$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [O365 Payment Instructions]
[Sales Header].[Payment Instructions Id] = [O365 Payment Instructions].[Id]
[CRONUS UK Ltd_$Dimension Set Entry$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Dimension Set Entry]
[Sales Header].[Dimension Set ID] = [Dimension Set Entry].[Dimension Set ID]
[CRONUS UK Ltd_$Responsibility Center$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Responsibility Center]
[Sales Header].[Responsibility Center] = [Responsibility Center].[Code]
[CRONUS UK Ltd_$Location$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Location]
[Sales Header].[Location Filter] = [Location].[Code]
[CRONUS UK Ltd_$User Setup$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [User Setup]
[Sales Header].[Assigned User ID] = [User Setup].[User ID]
[CRONUS UK Ltd_$Fixed Asset$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Fixed Asset]
[Sales Header].[Vehicle Code] = [Fixed Asset].[No_]
[CRONUS UK Ltd_$Shpfy Refund Header$ec255f57-31d0-4ca2-b751-f2fa7c745abb] AS [Shpfy Refund Header]
[Sales Header].[Shpfy Refund Id] = [Shpfy Refund Header].[Refund Id]
[User] AS [User]
[Sales Header].[SystemCreatedBy] = [User].[User Security ID]
[User] AS [User]
[Sales Header].[SystemModifiedBy] = [User].[User Security ID]
Show/hide columns in Sales Header table
Field No. | Field Name | Field Caption | Class | Type | Length | SQL Column Name | SQL DataType |
1 | Document Type | Document Type | Normal | Option | 4 | Document Type | int |
Available options are:
| |||||||
2 | Sell-to Customer No. | Sell-to Customer No. | Normal | Code | 20 | Sell-to Customer No_ | nvarchar(40) |
Key to join to the Customer table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Sales Header].[Sell-to Customer No_] ,[Customer].[No_] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Sales Header$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Sales Header] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Customer$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Customer] ON [Sales Header].[Sell-to Customer No_] = [Customer].[No_] | |||||||
3 | No. | No. | Normal | Code | 20 | No_ | nvarchar(40) |
4 | Bill-to Customer No. | Bill-to Customer No. | Normal | Code | 20 | Bill-to Customer No_ | nvarchar(40) |
Key to join to the Customer table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Sales Header].[Bill-to Customer No_] ,[Customer].[No_] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Sales Header$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Sales Header] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Customer$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Customer] ON [Sales Header].[Bill-to Customer No_] = [Customer].[No_] | |||||||
5 | Bill-to Name | Name | Normal | Text | 100 | Bill-to Name | nvarchar(200) |
Key to join to the Customer table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Sales Header].[Bill-to Name] ,[Customer].[Name] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Sales Header$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Sales Header] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Customer$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Customer] ON [Sales Header].[Bill-to Name] = [Customer].[Name] | |||||||
6 | Bill-to Name 2 | Name 2 | Normal | Text | 50 | Bill-to Name 2 | nvarchar(100) |
7 | Bill-to Address | Address | Normal | Text | 100 | Bill-to Address | nvarchar(200) |
8 | Bill-to Address 2 | Address 2 | Normal | Text | 50 | Bill-to Address 2 | nvarchar(100) |
9 | Bill-to City | City | Normal | Text | 30 | Bill-to City | nvarchar(60) |
Key to join to the Post Code table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Sales Header].[Bill-to City] ,[Post Code].[City] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Sales Header$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Sales Header] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Post Code$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Post Code] ON [Sales Header].[Bill-to City] = [Post Code].[City] | |||||||
10 | Bill-to Contact | Contact | Normal | Text | 100 | Bill-to Contact | nvarchar(200) |
11 | Your Reference | Your Reference | Normal | Text | 35 | Your Reference | nvarchar(70) |
12 | Ship-to Code | Ship-to Code | Normal | Code | 10 | Ship-to Code | nvarchar(20) |
Key to join to the Ship-to Address table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Sales Header].[Ship-to Code] ,[Ship-to Address].[Code] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Sales Header$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Sales Header] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Ship-to Address$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Ship-to Address] ON [Sales Header].[Ship-to Code] = [Ship-to Address].[Code] | |||||||
13 | Ship-to Name | Ship-to Name | Normal | Text | 100 | Ship-to Name | nvarchar(200) |
14 | Ship-to Name 2 | Ship-to Name 2 | Normal | Text | 50 | Ship-to Name 2 | nvarchar(100) |
15 | Ship-to Address | Ship-to Address | Normal | Text | 100 | Ship-to Address | nvarchar(200) |
16 | Ship-to Address 2 | Ship-to Address 2 | Normal | Text | 50 | Ship-to Address 2 | nvarchar(100) |
17 | Ship-to City | Ship-to City | Normal | Text | 30 | Ship-to City | nvarchar(60) |
Key to join to the Post Code table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Sales Header].[Ship-to City] ,[Post Code].[City] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Sales Header$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Sales Header] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Post Code$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Post Code] ON [Sales Header].[Ship-to City] = [Post Code].[City] | |||||||
18 | Ship-to Contact | Ship-to Contact | Normal | Text | 100 | Ship-to Contact | nvarchar(200) |
19 | Order Date | Order Date | Normal | Date | 4 | Order Date | datetime |
20 | Posting Date | Posting Date | Normal | Date | 4 | Posting Date | datetime |
21 | Shipment Date | Shipment Date | Normal | Date | 4 | Shipment Date | datetime |
22 | Posting Description | Posting Description | Normal | Text | 100 | Posting Description | nvarchar(200) |
23 | Payment Terms Code | Payment Terms Code | Normal | Code | 10 | Payment Terms Code | nvarchar(20) |
Key to join to the Payment Terms table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Sales Header].[Payment Terms Code] ,[Payment Terms].[Code] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Sales Header$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Sales Header] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Payment Terms$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Payment Terms] ON [Sales Header].[Payment Terms Code] = [Payment Terms].[Code] | |||||||
24 | Due Date | Due Date | Normal | Date | 4 | Due Date | datetime |
25 | Payment Discount % | Payment Discount % | Normal | Decimal | 12 | Payment Discount _ | decimal(38,38) |
26 | Pmt. Discount Date | Pmt. Discount Date | Normal | Date | 4 | Pmt_ Discount Date | datetime |
27 | Shipment Method Code | Shipment Method Code | Normal | Code | 10 | Shipment Method Code | nvarchar(20) |
Key to join to the Shipment Method table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Sales Header].[Shipment Method Code] ,[Shipment Method].[Code] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Sales Header$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Sales Header] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Shipment Method$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Shipment Method] ON [Sales Header].[Shipment Method Code] = [Shipment Method].[Code] | |||||||
28 | Location Code | Location Code | Normal | Code | 10 | Location Code | nvarchar(20) |
Key to join to the Location table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Sales Header].[Location Code] ,[Location].[Code] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Sales Header$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Sales Header] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Location$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Location] ON [Sales Header].[Location Code] = [Location].[Code] | |||||||
29 | Shortcut Dimension 1 Code | Shortcut Dimension 1 Code | Normal | Code | 20 | Shortcut Dimension 1 Code | nvarchar(40) |
Key to join to the Dimension table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Sales Header].[Shortcut Dimension 1 Code] ,[Dimension].[Code] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Sales Header$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Sales Header] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Dimension$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Dimension] ON [Sales Header].[Shortcut Dimension 1 Code] = [Dimension].[Code] | |||||||
30 | Shortcut Dimension 2 Code | Shortcut Dimension 2 Code | Normal | Code | 20 | Shortcut Dimension 2 Code | nvarchar(40) |
Key to join to the Dimension table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Sales Header].[Shortcut Dimension 2 Code] ,[Dimension].[Code] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Sales Header$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Sales Header] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Dimension$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Dimension] ON [Sales Header].[Shortcut Dimension 2 Code] = [Dimension].[Code] | |||||||
31 | Customer Posting Group | Customer Posting Group | Normal | Code | 20 | Customer Posting Group | nvarchar(40) |
Key to join to the Customer Posting Group table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Sales Header].[Customer Posting Group] ,[Customer Posting Group].[Code] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Sales Header$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Sales Header] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Customer Posting Group$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Customer Posting Group] ON [Sales Header].[Customer Posting Group] = [Customer Posting Group].[Code] | |||||||
32 | Currency Code | Currency Code | Normal | Code | 10 | Currency Code | nvarchar(20) |
Key to join to the Currency table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Sales Header].[Currency Code] ,[Currency].[Code] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Sales Header$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Sales Header] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Currency$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Currency] ON [Sales Header].[Currency Code] = [Currency].[Code] | |||||||
33 | Currency Factor | Currency Factor | Normal | Decimal | 12 | Currency Factor | decimal(38,38) |
34 | Customer Price Group | Customer Price Group | Normal | Code | 10 | Customer Price Group | nvarchar(20) |
Key to join to the Customer Price Group table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Sales Header].[Customer Price Group] ,[Customer Price Group].[Code] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Sales Header$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Sales Header] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Customer Price Group$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Customer Price Group] ON [Sales Header].[Customer Price Group] = [Customer Price Group].[Code] | |||||||
35 | Prices Including VAT | Prices Including Tax | Normal | Boolean | 4 | Prices Including VAT | tinyint |
37 | Invoice Disc. Code | Invoice Disc. Code | Normal | Code | 20 | Invoice Disc_ Code | nvarchar(40) |
40 | Customer Disc. Group | Customer Disc. Group | Normal | Code | 20 | Customer Disc_ Group | nvarchar(40) |
Key to join to the Customer Discount Group table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Sales Header].[Customer Disc_ Group] ,[Customer Discount Group].[Code] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Sales Header$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Sales Header] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Customer Discount Group$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Customer Discount Group] ON [Sales Header].[Customer Disc_ Group] = [Customer Discount Group].[Code] | |||||||
41 | Language Code | Language Code | Normal | Code | 10 | Language Code | nvarchar(20) |
Key to join to the Language table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Sales Header].[Language Code] ,[Language].[Code] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Sales Header$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Sales Header] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Language$63ca2fa4-4f03-4f2b-a480-172fef340d3f] AS [Language] ON [Sales Header].[Language Code] = [Language].[Code] | |||||||
42 | Format Region | Format Region | Normal | Text | 80 | Format Region | nvarchar(160) |
43 | Salesperson Code | Salesperson Code | Normal | Code | 20 | Salesperson Code | nvarchar(40) |
Key to join to the Salesperson/Purchaser table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Sales Header].[Salesperson Code] ,[Salesperson/Purchaser].[Code] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Sales Header$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Sales Header] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Salesperson_Purchaser$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Salesperson/Purchaser] ON [Sales Header].[Salesperson Code] = [Salesperson/Purchaser].[Code] | |||||||
45 | Order Class | Order Class | Normal | Code | 10 | Order Class | nvarchar(20) |
46 | Comment | Comment | FlowField | Boolean | 4 | ||
47 | No. Printed | No. Printed | Normal | Integer | 4 | No_ Printed | int |
51 | On Hold | On Hold | Normal | Code | 3 | On Hold | nvarchar(6) |
52 | Applies-to Doc. Type | Applies-to Doc. Type | Normal | Option | 4 | Applies-to Doc_ Type | int |
Available options are:
| |||||||
53 | Applies-to Doc. No. | Applies-to Doc. No. | Normal | Code | 20 | Applies-to Doc_ No_ | nvarchar(40) |
55 | Bal. Account No. | Bal. Account No. | Normal | Code | 20 | Bal_ Account No_ | nvarchar(40) |
56 | Recalculate Invoice Disc. | Recalculate Invoice Disc. | FlowField | Boolean | 4 | ||
57 | Ship | Ship | Normal | Boolean | 4 | Ship | tinyint |
58 | Invoice | Invoice | Normal | Boolean | 4 | Invoice | tinyint |
59 | Print Posted Documents | Print Posted Documents | Normal | Boolean | 4 | Print Posted Documents | tinyint |
60 | Amount | Amount | FlowField | Decimal | 12 | ||
61 | Amount Including VAT | Amount Including Tax | FlowField | Decimal | 12 | ||
62 | Shipping No. | Shipping No. | Normal | Code | 20 | Shipping No_ | nvarchar(40) |
63 | Posting No. | Posting No. | Normal | Code | 20 | Posting No_ | nvarchar(40) |
64 | Last Shipping No. | Last Shipping No. | Normal | Code | 20 | Last Shipping No_ | nvarchar(40) |
Key to join to the Posted Whse. Shipment Header table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Sales Header].[Last Shipping No_] ,[Posted Whse. Shipment Header].[No_] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Sales Header$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Sales Header] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Posted Whse_ Shipment Header$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Posted Whse. Shipment Header] ON [Sales Header].[Last Shipping No_] = [Posted Whse. Shipment Header].[No_] | |||||||
65 | Last Posting No. | Last Posting No. | Normal | Code | 20 | Last Posting No_ | nvarchar(40) |
66 | Prepayment No. | Prepayment No. | Normal | Code | 20 | Prepayment No_ | nvarchar(40) |
67 | Last Prepayment No. | Last Prepayment No. | Normal | Code | 20 | Last Prepayment No_ | nvarchar(40) |
68 | Prepmt. Cr. Memo No. | Prepmt. Cr. Memo No. | Normal | Code | 20 | Prepmt_ Cr_ Memo No_ | nvarchar(40) |
69 | Last Prepmt. Cr. Memo No. | Last Prepmt. Cr. Memo No. | Normal | Code | 20 | Last Prepmt_ Cr_ Memo No_ | nvarchar(40) |
70 | VAT Registration No. | Tax Registration No. | Normal | Text | 20 | VAT Registration No_ | nvarchar(40) |
71 | Combine Shipments | Combine Shipments | Normal | Boolean | 4 | Combine Shipments | tinyint |
73 | Reason Code | Reason Code | Normal | Code | 10 | Reason Code | nvarchar(20) |
Key to join to the Reason Code table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Sales Header].[Reason Code] ,[Reason Code].[Code] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Sales Header$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Sales Header] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Reason Code$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Reason Code] ON [Sales Header].[Reason Code] = [Reason Code].[Code] | |||||||
74 | Gen. Bus. Posting Group | Gen. Bus. Posting Group | Normal | Code | 20 | Gen_ Bus_ Posting Group | nvarchar(40) |
Key to join to the Gen. Business Posting Group table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Sales Header].[Gen_ Bus_ Posting Group] ,[Gen. Business Posting Group].[Code] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Sales Header$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Sales Header] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Gen_ Business Posting Group$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Gen. Business Posting Group] ON [Sales Header].[Gen_ Bus_ Posting Group] = [Gen. Business Posting Group].[Code] | |||||||
75 | EU 3-Party Trade | EU 3-Party Trade | Normal | Boolean | 4 | EU 3-Party Trade | tinyint |
76 | Transaction Type | Transaction Type | Normal | Code | 10 | Transaction Type | nvarchar(20) |
Key to join to the Transaction Type table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Sales Header].[Transaction Type] ,[Transaction Type].[Code] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Sales Header$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Sales Header] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Transaction Type$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Transaction Type] ON [Sales Header].[Transaction Type] = [Transaction Type].[Code] | |||||||
77 | Transport Method | Transport Method | Normal | Code | 10 | Transport Method | nvarchar(20) |
Key to join to the Transport Method table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Sales Header].[Transport Method] ,[Transport Method].[Code] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Sales Header$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Sales Header] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Transport Method$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Transport Method] ON [Sales Header].[Transport Method] = [Transport Method].[Code] | |||||||
78 | VAT Country/Region Code | Tax Country/Region Code | Normal | Code | 10 | VAT Country_Region Code | nvarchar(20) |
79 | Sell-to Customer Name | Sell-to Customer Name | Normal | Text | 100 | Sell-to Customer Name | nvarchar(200) |
Key to join to the Customer table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Sales Header].[Sell-to Customer Name] ,[Customer].[Name] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Sales Header$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Sales Header] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Customer$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Customer] ON [Sales Header].[Sell-to Customer Name] = [Customer].[Name] | |||||||
80 | Sell-to Customer Name 2 | Sell-to Customer Name 2 | Normal | Text | 50 | Sell-to Customer Name 2 | nvarchar(100) |
81 | Sell-to Address | Sell-to Address | Normal | Text | 100 | Sell-to Address | nvarchar(200) |
82 | Sell-to Address 2 | Sell-to Address 2 | Normal | Text | 50 | Sell-to Address 2 | nvarchar(100) |
83 | Sell-to City | Sell-to City | Normal | Text | 30 | Sell-to City | nvarchar(60) |
Key to join to the Post Code table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Sales Header].[Sell-to City] ,[Post Code].[City] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Sales Header$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Sales Header] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Post Code$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Post Code] ON [Sales Header].[Sell-to City] = [Post Code].[City] | |||||||
84 | Sell-to Contact | Sell-to Contact | Normal | Text | 100 | Sell-to Contact | nvarchar(200) |
85 | Bill-to Post Code | ZIP Code | Normal | Code | 20 | Bill-to Post Code | nvarchar(40) |
Key to join to the Post Code table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Sales Header].[Bill-to Post Code] ,[Post Code].[Code] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Sales Header$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Sales Header] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Post Code$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Post Code] ON [Sales Header].[Bill-to Post Code] = [Post Code].[Code] | |||||||
86 | Bill-to County | State | Normal | Text | 30 | Bill-to County | nvarchar(60) |
87 | Bill-to Country/Region Code | Country/Region Code | Normal | Code | 10 | Bill-to Country_Region Code | nvarchar(20) |
88 | Sell-to Post Code | Sell-to ZIP Code | Normal | Code | 20 | Sell-to Post Code | nvarchar(40) |
Key to join to the Post Code table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Sales Header].[Sell-to Post Code] ,[Post Code].[Code] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Sales Header$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Sales Header] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Post Code$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Post Code] ON [Sales Header].[Sell-to Post Code] = [Post Code].[Code] | |||||||
89 | Sell-to County | Sell-to State | Normal | Text | 30 | Sell-to County | nvarchar(60) |
90 | Sell-to Country/Region Code | Sell-to Country/Region Code | Normal | Code | 10 | Sell-to Country_Region Code | nvarchar(20) |
91 | Ship-to Post Code | Ship-to ZIP Code | Normal | Code | 20 | Ship-to Post Code | nvarchar(40) |
Key to join to the Post Code table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Sales Header].[Ship-to Post Code] ,[Post Code].[Code] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Sales Header$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Sales Header] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Post Code$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Post Code] ON [Sales Header].[Ship-to Post Code] = [Post Code].[Code] | |||||||
92 | Ship-to County | Ship-to State | Normal | Text | 30 | Ship-to County | nvarchar(60) |
93 | Ship-to Country/Region Code | Ship-to Country/Region Code | Normal | Code | 10 | Ship-to Country_Region Code | nvarchar(20) |
94 | Bal. Account Type | Bal. Account Type | Normal | Option | 4 | Bal_ Account Type | int |
Available options are:
| |||||||
97 | Exit Point | Exit Point | Normal | Code | 10 | Exit Point | nvarchar(20) |
Key to join to the Entry/Exit Point table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Sales Header].[Exit Point] ,[Entry/Exit Point].[Code] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Sales Header$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Sales Header] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Entry_Exit Point$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Entry/Exit Point] ON [Sales Header].[Exit Point] = [Entry/Exit Point].[Code] | |||||||
98 | Correction | Correction | Normal | Boolean | 4 | Correction | tinyint |
99 | Document Date | Document Date | Normal | Date | 4 | Document Date | datetime |
100 | External Document No. | External Document No. | Normal | Code | 35 | External Document No_ | nvarchar(70) |
101 | Area | Area | Normal | Code | 10 | Area | nvarchar(20) |
Key to join to the Area table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Sales Header].[Area] ,[Area].[Code] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Sales Header$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Sales Header] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Area$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Area] ON [Sales Header].[Area] = [Area].[Code] | |||||||
102 | Transaction Specification | Transaction Specification | Normal | Code | 10 | Transaction Specification | nvarchar(20) |
Key to join to the Transaction Specification table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Sales Header].[Transaction Specification] ,[Transaction Specification].[Code] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Sales Header$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Sales Header] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Transaction Specification$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Transaction Specification] ON [Sales Header].[Transaction Specification] = [Transaction Specification].[Code] | |||||||
104 | Payment Method Code | Payment Method Code | Normal | Code | 10 | Payment Method Code | nvarchar(20) |
Key to join to the Payment Method table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Sales Header].[Payment Method Code] ,[Payment Method].[Code] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Sales Header$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Sales Header] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Payment Method$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972$ext] AS [Payment Method] ON [Sales Header].[Payment Method Code] = [Payment Method].[Code] | |||||||
105 | Shipping Agent Code | Shipping Agent Code | Normal | Code | 10 | Shipping Agent Code | nvarchar(20) |
Key to join to the Shipping Agent table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Sales Header].[Shipping Agent Code] ,[Shipping Agent].[Code] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Sales Header$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Sales Header] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Shipping Agent$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972$ext] AS [Shipping Agent] ON [Sales Header].[Shipping Agent Code] = [Shipping Agent].[Code] | |||||||
106 | Package Tracking No. | Package Tracking No. | Normal | Text | 30 | Package Tracking No_ | nvarchar(60) |
107 | No. Series | No. Series | Normal | Code | 20 | No_ Series | nvarchar(40) |
Key to join to the No. Series table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Sales Header].[No_ Series] ,[No. Series].[Code] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Sales Header$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Sales Header] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$No_ Series$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [No. Series] ON [Sales Header].[No_ Series] = [No. Series].[Code] | |||||||
108 | Posting No. Series | Posting No. Series | Normal | Code | 20 | Posting No_ Series | nvarchar(40) |
Key to join to the No. Series table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Sales Header].[Posting No_ Series] ,[No. Series].[Code] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Sales Header$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Sales Header] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$No_ Series$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [No. Series] ON [Sales Header].[Posting No_ Series] = [No. Series].[Code] | |||||||
109 | Shipping No. Series | Shipping No. Series | Normal | Code | 20 | Shipping No_ Series | nvarchar(40) |
Key to join to the No. Series table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Sales Header].[Shipping No_ Series] ,[No. Series].[Code] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Sales Header$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Sales Header] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$No_ Series$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [No. Series] ON [Sales Header].[Shipping No_ Series] = [No. Series].[Code] | |||||||
114 | Tax Area Code | Tax Area Code | Normal | Code | 20 | Tax Area Code | nvarchar(40) |
Key to join to the Tax Area table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Sales Header].[Tax Area Code] ,[Tax Area].[Code] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Sales Header$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Sales Header] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Tax Area$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Tax Area] ON [Sales Header].[Tax Area Code] = [Tax Area].[Code] | |||||||
115 | Tax Liable | Tax Liable | Normal | Boolean | 4 | Tax Liable | tinyint |
116 | VAT Bus. Posting Group | VAT Bus. Posting Group | Normal | Code | 20 | VAT Bus_ Posting Group | nvarchar(40) |
Key to join to the VAT Business Posting Group table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Sales Header].[VAT Bus_ Posting Group] ,[VAT Business Posting Group].[Code] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Sales Header$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Sales Header] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$VAT Business Posting Group$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [VAT Business Posting Group] ON [Sales Header].[VAT Bus_ Posting Group] = [VAT Business Posting Group].[Code] | |||||||
117 | Reserve | Reserve | Normal | Option | 4 | Reserve | int |
Available options are:
| |||||||
118 | Applies-to ID | Applies-to ID | Normal | Code | 50 | Applies-to ID | nvarchar(100) |
119 | VAT Base Discount % | VAT Base Discount % | Normal | Decimal | 12 | VAT Base Discount _ | decimal(38,38) |
120 | Status | Status | Normal | Option | 4 | Status | int |
Available options are:
| |||||||
121 | Invoice Discount Calculation | Invoice Discount Calculation | Normal | Option | 4 | Invoice Discount Calculation | int |
Available options are:
| |||||||
122 | Invoice Discount Value | Invoice Discount Value | Normal | Decimal | 12 | Invoice Discount Value | decimal(38,38) |
123 | Send IC Document | Send IC Document | Normal | Boolean | 4 | Send IC Document | tinyint |
124 | IC Status | IC Status | Normal | Option | 4 | IC Status | int |
Available options are:
| |||||||
125 | Sell-to IC Partner Code | Sell-to IC Partner Code | Normal | Code | 20 | Sell-to IC Partner Code | nvarchar(40) |
Key to join to the IC Partner table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Sales Header].[Sell-to IC Partner Code] ,[IC Partner].[Code] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Sales Header$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Sales Header] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$IC Partner$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [IC Partner] ON [Sales Header].[Sell-to IC Partner Code] = [IC Partner].[Code] | |||||||
126 | Bill-to IC Partner Code | IC Partner Code | Normal | Code | 20 | Bill-to IC Partner Code | nvarchar(40) |
Key to join to the IC Partner table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Sales Header].[Bill-to IC Partner Code] ,[IC Partner].[Code] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Sales Header$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Sales Header] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$IC Partner$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [IC Partner] ON [Sales Header].[Bill-to IC Partner Code] = [IC Partner].[Code] | |||||||
127 | IC Reference Document No. | IC Reference Document No. | Normal | Code | 20 | IC Reference Document No_ | nvarchar(40) |
129 | IC Direction | IC Direction | Normal | Option | 4 | IC Direction | int |
Available options are:
| |||||||
130 | Prepayment % | Prepayment % | Normal | Decimal | 12 | Prepayment _ | decimal(38,38) |
131 | Prepayment No. Series | Prepayment No. Series | Normal | Code | 20 | Prepayment No_ Series | nvarchar(40) |
Key to join to the No. Series table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Sales Header].[Prepayment No_ Series] ,[No. Series].[Code] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Sales Header$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Sales Header] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$No_ Series$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [No. Series] ON [Sales Header].[Prepayment No_ Series] = [No. Series].[Code] | |||||||
132 | Compress Prepayment | Compress Prepayment | Normal | Boolean | 4 | Compress Prepayment | tinyint |
133 | Prepayment Due Date | Prepayment Due Date | Normal | Date | 4 | Prepayment Due Date | datetime |
134 | Prepmt. Cr. Memo No. Series | Prepmt. Cr. Memo No. Series | Normal | Code | 20 | Prepmt_ Cr_ Memo No_ Series | nvarchar(40) |
Key to join to the No. Series table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Sales Header].[Prepmt_ Cr_ Memo No_ Series] ,[No. Series].[Code] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Sales Header$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Sales Header] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$No_ Series$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [No. Series] ON [Sales Header].[Prepmt_ Cr_ Memo No_ Series] = [No. Series].[Code] | |||||||
135 | Prepmt. Posting Description | Prepmt. Posting Description | Normal | Text | 100 | Prepmt_ Posting Description | nvarchar(200) |
138 | Prepmt. Pmt. Discount Date | Prepmt. Pmt. Discount Date | Normal | Date | 4 | Prepmt_ Pmt_ Discount Date | datetime |
139 | Prepmt. Payment Terms Code | Prepmt. Payment Terms Code | Normal | Code | 10 | Prepmt_ Payment Terms Code | nvarchar(20) |
Key to join to the Payment Terms table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Sales Header].[Prepmt_ Payment Terms Code] ,[Payment Terms].[Code] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Sales Header$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Sales Header] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Payment Terms$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Payment Terms] ON [Sales Header].[Prepmt_ Payment Terms Code] = [Payment Terms].[Code] | |||||||
140 | Prepmt. Payment Discount % | Prepmt. Payment Discount % | Normal | Decimal | 12 | Prepmt_ Payment Discount _ | decimal(38,38) |
151 | Quote No. | Quote No. | Normal | Code | 20 | Quote No_ | nvarchar(40) |
152 | Quote Valid Until Date | Quote Valid To Date | Normal | Date | 4 | Quote Valid Until Date | datetime |
153 | Quote Sent to Customer | Quote Sent to Customer | Normal | DateTime | 8 | Quote Sent to Customer | datetime |
154 | Quote Accepted | Quote Accepted | Normal | Boolean | 4 | Quote Accepted | tinyint |
155 | Quote Accepted Date | Quote Accepted Date | Normal | Date | 4 | Quote Accepted Date | datetime |
160 | Job Queue Status | Job Queue Status | Normal | Option | 4 | Job Queue Status | int |
Available options are:
| |||||||
161 | Job Queue Entry ID | Job Queue Entry ID | Normal | GUID | 16 | Job Queue Entry ID | uniqueidentifier |
163 | Company Bank Account Code | Company Bank Account Code | Normal | Code | 20 | Company Bank Account Code | nvarchar(40) |
165 | Incoming Document Entry No. | Incoming Document Entry No. | Normal | Integer | 4 | Incoming Document Entry No_ | int |
Key to join to the Incoming Document table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Sales Header].[Incoming Document Entry No_] ,[Incoming Document].[Entry No_] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Sales Header$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Sales Header] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Incoming Document$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Incoming Document] ON [Sales Header].[Incoming Document Entry No_] = [Incoming Document].[Entry No_] | |||||||
166 | Last Email Sent Time | Last Email Sent Time | FlowField | DateTime | 8 | ||
167 | Last Email Sent Status | Last Email Sent Status | FlowField | Option | 4 | ||
168 | Sent as Email | Sent as Email | FlowField | Boolean | 4 | ||
169 | Last Email Notif Cleared | Last Email Notif Cleared | FlowField | Boolean | 4 | ||
170 | IsTest | IsTest | Normal | Boolean | 4 | IsTest | tinyint |
171 | Sell-to Phone No. | Sell-to Phone No. | Normal | Text | 30 | Sell-to Phone No_ | nvarchar(60) |
172 | Sell-to E-Mail | Normal | Text | 80 | Sell-to E-Mail | nvarchar(160) | |
175 | Payment Instructions Id | Payment Instructions Id | Normal | Integer | 4 | Payment Instructions Id | int |
Key to join to the O365 Payment Instructions table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Sales Header].[Payment Instructions Id] ,[O365 Payment Instructions].[Id] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Sales Header$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Sales Header] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$O365 Payment Instructions$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [O365 Payment Instructions] ON [Sales Header].[Payment Instructions Id] = [O365 Payment Instructions].[Id] | |||||||
178 | Journal Templ. Name | Journal Template Name | Normal | Code | 10 | Journal Templ_ Name | nvarchar(20) |
179 | VAT Reporting Date | Tax Date | Normal | Date | 4 | VAT Reporting Date | datetime |
180 | Rcvd-from Country/Region Code | Received-from Country/Region Code | Normal | Code | 10 | Rcvd-from Country_Region Code | nvarchar(20) |
181 | Rcvd.-from Count./Region Code | Received-from Country/Region Code | Normal | Code | 10 | Rcvd_-from Count__Region Code | nvarchar(20) |
200 | Work Description | Work Description | Normal | BLOB | 8 | Work Description | image |
300 | Amt. Ship. Not Inv. (LCY) | Amount Shipped Not Invoiced ($) Incl. Tax | FlowField | Decimal | 12 | ||
301 | Amt. Ship. Not Inv. (LCY) Base | Amount Shipped Not Invoiced ($) | FlowField | Decimal | 12 | ||
480 | Dimension Set ID | Dimension Set ID | Normal | Integer | 4 | Dimension Set ID | int |
Key to join to the Dimension Set Entry table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Sales Header].[Dimension Set ID] ,[Dimension Set Entry].[Dimension Set ID] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Sales Header$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Sales Header] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Dimension Set Entry$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Dimension Set Entry] ON [Sales Header].[Dimension Set ID] = [Dimension Set Entry].[Dimension Set ID] | |||||||
600 | Payment Service Set ID | Payment Service Set ID | Normal | Integer | 4 | Payment Service Set ID | int |
720 | Coupled to CRM | Coupled to Dynamics 365 Sales | Normal | Boolean | 4 | Coupled to CRM | tinyint |
721 | Coupled to Dataverse | Coupled to Dynamics 365 Sales | FlowField | Boolean | 4 | ||
1200 | Direct Debit Mandate ID | Direct Debit Mandate ID | Normal | Code | 35 | Direct Debit Mandate ID | nvarchar(70) |
1305 | Invoice Discount Amount | Invoice Discount Amount | FlowField | Decimal | 12 | ||
5043 | No. of Archived Versions | No. of Archived Versions | FlowField | Integer | 4 | ||
5048 | Doc. No. Occurrence | Doc. No. Occurrence | Normal | Integer | 4 | Doc_ No_ Occurrence | int |
5050 | Campaign No. | Campaign No. | Normal | Code | 20 | Campaign No_ | nvarchar(40) |
Key to join to the Campaign table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Sales Header].[Campaign No_] ,[Campaign].[No_] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Sales Header$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Sales Header] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Campaign$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Campaign] ON [Sales Header].[Campaign No_] = [Campaign].[No_] | |||||||
5051 | Sell-to Customer Template Code | Sell-to Customer Template Code | Normal | Code | 10 | Sell-to Customer Template Code | nvarchar(20) |
5052 | Sell-to Contact No. | Sell-to Contact No. | Normal | Code | 20 | Sell-to Contact No_ | nvarchar(40) |
Key to join to the Contact table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Sales Header].[Sell-to Contact No_] ,[Contact].[No_] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Sales Header$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Sales Header] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Contact$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Contact] ON [Sales Header].[Sell-to Contact No_] = [Contact].[No_] | |||||||
5053 | Bill-to Contact No. | Bill-to Contact No. | Normal | Code | 20 | Bill-to Contact No_ | nvarchar(40) |
Key to join to the Contact table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Sales Header].[Bill-to Contact No_] ,[Contact].[No_] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Sales Header$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Sales Header] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Contact$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Contact] ON [Sales Header].[Bill-to Contact No_] = [Contact].[No_] | |||||||
5054 | Bill-to Customer Template Code | Bill-to Customer Template Code | Normal | Code | 10 | Bill-to Customer Template Code | nvarchar(20) |
5055 | Opportunity No. | Opportunity No. | Normal | Code | 20 | Opportunity No_ | nvarchar(40) |
Key to join to the Opportunity table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Sales Header].[Opportunity No_] ,[Opportunity].[No_] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Sales Header$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Sales Header] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Opportunity$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Opportunity] ON [Sales Header].[Opportunity No_] = [Opportunity].[No_] | |||||||
5056 | Sell-to Customer Templ. Code | Sell-to Customer Template Code | Normal | Code | 20 | Sell-to Customer Templ_ Code | nvarchar(40) |
Key to join to the Customer Templ. table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Sales Header].[Sell-to Customer Templ_ Code] ,[Customer Templ.].[Code] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Sales Header$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Sales Header] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Customer Templ_$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Customer Templ.] ON [Sales Header].[Sell-to Customer Templ_ Code] = [Customer Templ.].[Code] | |||||||
5057 | Bill-to Customer Templ. Code | Bill-to Customer Template Code | Normal | Code | 20 | Bill-to Customer Templ_ Code | nvarchar(40) |
Key to join to the Customer Templ. table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Sales Header].[Bill-to Customer Templ_ Code] ,[Customer Templ.].[Code] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Sales Header$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Sales Header] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Customer Templ_$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Customer Templ.] ON [Sales Header].[Bill-to Customer Templ_ Code] = [Customer Templ.].[Code] | |||||||
5700 | Responsibility Center | Responsibility Center | Normal | Code | 10 | Responsibility Center | nvarchar(20) |
Key to join to the Responsibility Center table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Sales Header].[Responsibility Center] ,[Responsibility Center].[Code] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Sales Header$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Sales Header] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Responsibility Center$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Responsibility Center] ON [Sales Header].[Responsibility Center] = [Responsibility Center].[Code] | |||||||
5750 | Shipping Advice | Shipping Advice | Normal | Option | 4 | Shipping Advice | int |
Available options are:
| |||||||
5751 | Shipped Not Invoiced | Shipped Not Invoiced | FlowField | Boolean | 4 | ||
5752 | Completely Shipped | Completely Shipped | FlowField | Boolean | 4 | ||
5753 | Posting from Whse. Ref. | Posting from Whse. Ref. | Normal | Integer | 4 | Posting from Whse_ Ref_ | int |
5754 | Location Filter | Location Filter | FlowFilter | Code | 10 | ||
Key to join to the Location table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Sales Header].[] ,[Location].[Code] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Sales Header$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Sales Header] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Location$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Location] ON [Sales Header].[] = [Location].[Code] | |||||||
5755 | Shipped | Shipped | FlowField | Boolean | 4 | ||
5756 | Last Shipment Date | Last Shipment Date | FlowField | Date | 4 | ||
5790 | Requested Delivery Date | Requested Delivery Date | Normal | Date | 4 | Requested Delivery Date | datetime |
5791 | Promised Delivery Date | Promised Delivery Date | Normal | Date | 4 | Promised Delivery Date | datetime |
5792 | Shipping Time | Shipping Time | Normal | DateFormula | 32 | Shipping Time | varchar(32) |
5793 | Outbound Whse. Handling Time | Outbound Whse. Handling Time | Normal | DateFormula | 32 | Outbound Whse_ Handling Time | varchar(32) |
5794 | Shipping Agent Service Code | Shipping Agent Service Code | Normal | Code | 10 | Shipping Agent Service Code | nvarchar(20) |
5795 | Late Order Shipping | Late Order Shipping | FlowField | Boolean | 4 | ||
5796 | Date Filter | Date Filter | FlowFilter | Date | 4 | ||
5800 | Receive | Receive | Normal | Boolean | 4 | Receive | tinyint |
5801 | Return Receipt No. | Return Receipt No. | Normal | Code | 20 | Return Receipt No_ | nvarchar(40) |
5802 | Return Receipt No. Series | Return Receipt No. Series | Normal | Code | 20 | Return Receipt No_ Series | nvarchar(40) |
Key to join to the No. Series table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Sales Header].[Return Receipt No_ Series] ,[No. Series].[Code] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Sales Header$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Sales Header] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$No_ Series$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [No. Series] ON [Sales Header].[Return Receipt No_ Series] = [No. Series].[Code] | |||||||
5803 | Last Return Receipt No. | Last Return Receipt No. | Normal | Code | 20 | Last Return Receipt No_ | nvarchar(40) |
7000 | Price Calculation Method | Price Calculation Method | Normal | Option | 4 | Price Calculation Method | int |
Available options are:
| |||||||
7001 | Allow Line Disc. | Allow Line Disc. | Normal | Boolean | 4 | Allow Line Disc_ | tinyint |
7200 | Get Shipment Used | Get Shipment Used | Normal | Boolean | 4 | Get Shipment Used | tinyint |
8000 | Id | Id | Normal | GUID | 16 | Id | uniqueidentifier |
9000 | Assigned User ID | Assigned User ID | Normal | Code | 50 | Assigned User ID | nvarchar(100) |
Key to join to the User Setup table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Sales Header].[Assigned User ID] ,[User Setup].[User ID] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Sales Header$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Sales Header] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$User Setup$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [User Setup] ON [Sales Header].[Assigned User ID] = [User Setup].[User ID] | |||||||
10000 | Sales Tax Amount Rounding | Sales Tax Amount Rounding | Normal | Decimal | 12 | ||
10001 | Prepmt. Sales Tax Rounding Amt | Prepayment Sales Tax Rounding Amount | Normal | Decimal | 12 | ||
10005 | Ship-to UPS Zone | Ship-to UPS Zone | Normal | Code | 2 | ||
10009 | Outstanding Amount ($) | Outstanding Amount ($) | FlowField | Decimal | 12 | ||
10015 | Tax Exemption No. | Tax Exemption No. | Normal | Text | 30 | ||
10018 | STE Transaction ID | STE Transaction ID | Normal | Text | 20 | ||
10044 | Transport Operators | Transport Operators | FlowField | Integer | 4 | ||
10045 | Transit-from Date/Time | Transit-from Date/Time | Normal | DateTime | 8 | ||
10046 | Transit Hours | Transit Hours | Normal | Integer | 4 | ||
10047 | Transit Distance | Transit Distance | Normal | Decimal | 12 | ||
10048 | Insurer Name | Insurer Name | Normal | Text | 50 | ||
10049 | Insurer Policy Number | Insurer Policy Number | Normal | Text | 30 | ||
10050 | Foreign Trade | Foreign Trade | Normal | Boolean | 4 | ||
10051 | Vehicle Code | Vehicle Code | Normal | Code | 20 | ||
Key to join to the Fixed Asset table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Sales Header].[] ,[Fixed Asset].[No_] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Sales Header$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Sales Header] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Fixed Asset$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Fixed Asset] ON [Sales Header].[] = [Fixed Asset].[No_] | |||||||
10052 | Trailer 1 | Trailer 1 | Normal | Code | 20 | ||
10053 | Trailer 2 | Trailer 2 | Normal | Code | 20 | ||
10055 | Transit-to Location | Transit-to Location | Normal | Code | 10 | ||
10056 | Medical Insurer Name | Medical Insurer Name | Normal | Text | 50 | ||
10057 | Medical Ins. Policy Number | Medical Ins. Policy Number | Normal | Text | 30 | ||
10058 | SAT Weight Unit Of Measure | SAT Weight Unit Of Measure | Normal | Code | 10 | ||
10059 | SAT International Trade Term | SAT International Trade Term | Normal | Code | 10 | ||
10060 | Exchange Rate USD | Exchange Rate USD | Normal | Decimal | 12 | ||
12600 | Prepmt. Include Tax | Prepmt. Include Tax | Normal | Boolean | 4 | ||
27000 | CFDI Purpose | CFDI Purpose | Normal | Code | 10 | ||
27001 | CFDI Relation | CFDI Relation | Normal | Code | 10 | ||
27004 | CFDI Export Code | CFDI Export Code | Normal | Code | 10 | ||
27005 | CFDI Period | CFDI Period | Normal | Option | 4 | ||
27009 | SAT Address ID | SAT Address ID | Normal | Integer | 4 | ||
30100 | Shpfy Order Id | Shopify Order Id | Normal | BigInteger | 8 | ||
30101 | Shpfy Order No. | Shopify Order No. | Normal | Code | 50 | ||
30102 | Shpfy Risk Level | Risk Level | FlowField | Option | 4 | ||
30103 | Shpfy Refund Id | Shopify Refund Id | Normal | BigInteger | 8 | ||
Key to join to the Shpfy Refund Header table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Sales Header].[] ,[Shpfy Refund Header].[Refund Id] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Sales Header$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Sales Header] LEFT JOIN [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Shpfy Refund Header$ec255f57-31d0-4ca2-b751-f2fa7c745abb] AS [Shpfy Refund Header] ON [Sales Header].[] = [Shpfy Refund Header].[Refund Id] | |||||||
2000000000 | $systemId | System ID | Normal | GUID | 16 | $systemId | uniqueidentifier |
2000000001 | SystemCreatedAt | Created At | Normal | DateTime | 8 | $systemCreatedAt | datetime |
2000000002 | SystemCreatedBy | Created By | Normal | GUID | 16 | $systemCreatedBy | uniqueidentifier |
Key to join to the User table.Show/hide example querySELECT [Sales Header].[$systemCreatedBy] ,[User].[User Security ID] FROM [CRONUS UK Ltd_$Sales Header$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972] AS [Sales Header] LEFT JOIN [User] AS [User] ON [Sales Header].[$systemCreatedBy] = [User].[User Security ID] | |||||||
2000000003 | SystemModifiedAt | Modified At | Normal | DateTime | 8 | $systemModifiedAt | datetime |
2000000004 | SystemModifiedBy | Modified By | Normal | GUID | 16 | $systemModifiedBy | uniqueidentifier |