Vendor Ledger Entry

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Table Type: Company

Table Name: Vendor Ledger Entry
Database Table Name: CRONUS UK Ltd_$Vendor Ledger Entry$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972

Table Number: 25

Due to how Dynamics BC tables and columns are named, square brackets need to be wrapped around the table name and column names. Below are example queries showing how Vendor Ledger Entry can be queried.

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Field No.Field NameField CaptionClassTypeLengthSQL Column NameSQL DataType
1Entry No. SearchEntry No.NormalInteger4Entry No_int
3Vendor No. Primary Key SearchVendor No.NormalCode20Vendor No_nvarchar(40)
Key to join to the Vendor table.

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4Posting Date SearchPosting DateNormalDate4Posting Datedatetime
5Document Type SearchDocument TypeNormalOption4Document Typeint
Available options are:
  • ” “
  • “Payment”
  • “Invoice”
  • “Credit Memo”
  • “Finance Charge Memo”
  • “Reminder”
  • “Refund”
6Document No. SearchDocument No.NormalCode20Document No_nvarchar(40)
7Description SearchDescriptionNormalText100Descriptionnvarchar(200)
8Vendor Name SearchVendor NameNormalText100Vendor Namenvarchar(200)
11Currency Code SearchCurrency CodeNormalCode10Currency Codenvarchar(20)
Key to join to the Currency table.

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13Amount SearchAmountFlowFieldDecimal12
14Remaining Amount SearchRemaining AmountFlowFieldDecimal12
15Original Amt. (LCY) SearchOriginal Amt. ($)FlowFieldDecimal12
16Remaining Amt. (LCY) SearchRemaining Amt. ($)FlowFieldDecimal12
17Amount (LCY) SearchAmount ($)FlowFieldDecimal12
18Purchase (LCY) SearchPurchase ($)NormalDecimal12Purchase (LCY)decimal(38,38)
20Inv. Discount (LCY) SearchInv. Discount ($)NormalDecimal12Inv_ Discount (LCY)decimal(38,38)
21Buy-from Vendor No. SearchBuy-from Vendor No.NormalCode20Buy-from Vendor No_nvarchar(40)
Key to join to the Vendor table.

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22Vendor Posting Group SearchVendor Posting GroupNormalCode20Vendor Posting Groupnvarchar(40)
Key to join to the Vendor Posting Group table.

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23Global Dimension 1 Code SearchGlobal Dimension 1 CodeNormalCode20Global Dimension 1 Codenvarchar(40)
Key to join to the Dimension table.

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24Global Dimension 2 Code SearchGlobal Dimension 2 CodeNormalCode20Global Dimension 2 Codenvarchar(40)
Key to join to the Dimension table.

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25Purchaser Code SearchPurchaser CodeNormalCode20Purchaser Codenvarchar(40)
Key to join to the Salesperson/Purchaser table.

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27User ID SearchUser IDNormalCode50User IDnvarchar(100)
28Source Code SearchSource CodeNormalCode10Source Codenvarchar(20)
Key to join to the Source Code table.

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33On Hold SearchOn HoldNormalCode3On Holdnvarchar(6)
34Applies-to Doc. Type SearchApplies-to Doc. TypeNormalOption4Applies-to Doc_ Typeint
Available options are:
  • ” “
  • “Payment”
  • “Invoice”
  • “Credit Memo”
  • “Finance Charge Memo”
  • “Reminder”
  • “Refund”
35Applies-to Doc. No. SearchApplies-to Doc. No.NormalCode20Applies-to Doc_ No_nvarchar(40)
36Open SearchOpenNormalBoolean4Opentinyint
37Due Date SearchDue DateNormalDate4Due Datedatetime
38Pmt. Discount Date SearchPmt. Discount DateNormalDate4Pmt_ Discount Datedatetime
39Original Pmt. Disc. Possible SearchOriginal Pmt. Disc. PossibleNormalDecimal12Original Pmt_ Disc_ Possibledecimal(38,38)
40Pmt. Disc. Rcd.(LCY) SearchPmt. Disc. Rcd.($)NormalDecimal12Pmt_ Disc_ Rcd_(LCY)decimal(38,38)
42Orig. Pmt. Disc. Possible(LCY) SearchOrg. Pmt. Disc. Possible ($)NormalDecimal12Orig_ Pmt_ Disc_ Possible(LCY)decimal(38,38)
43Positive SearchPositiveNormalBoolean4Positivetinyint
44Closed by Entry No. SearchClosed by Entry No.NormalInteger4Closed by Entry No_int
45Closed at Date SearchClosed at DateNormalDate4Closed at Datedatetime
46Closed by Amount SearchClosed by AmountNormalDecimal12Closed by Amountdecimal(38,38)
47Applies-to ID SearchApplies-to IDNormalCode50Applies-to IDnvarchar(100)
48Journal Templ. Name SearchJournal Template NameNormalCode10Journal Templ_ Namenvarchar(20)
49Journal Batch Name SearchJournal Batch NameNormalCode10Journal Batch Namenvarchar(20)
50Reason Code SearchReason CodeNormalCode10Reason Codenvarchar(20)
Key to join to the Reason Code table.

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51Bal. Account Type SearchBal. Account TypeNormalOption4Bal_ Account Typeint
Available options are:
  • “G/L Account”
  • “Customer”
  • “Vendor”
  • “Bank Account”
  • “Fixed Asset”
  • “IC Partner”
  • “Employee”
  • “Allocation Account”
52Bal. Account No. SearchBal. Account No.NormalCode20Bal_ Account No_nvarchar(40)
53Transaction No. SearchTransaction No.NormalInteger4Transaction No_int
54Closed by Amount (LCY) SearchClosed by Amount ($)NormalDecimal12Closed by Amount (LCY)decimal(38,38)
58Debit Amount SearchDebit AmountFlowFieldDecimal12
59Credit Amount SearchCredit AmountFlowFieldDecimal12
60Debit Amount (LCY) SearchDebit Amount ($)FlowFieldDecimal12
61Credit Amount (LCY) SearchCredit Amount ($)FlowFieldDecimal12
62Document Date SearchDocument DateNormalDate4Document Datedatetime
63External Document No. SearchExternal Document No.NormalCode35External Document No_nvarchar(70)
64No. Series SearchNo. SeriesNormalCode20No_ Seriesnvarchar(40)
Key to join to the No. Series table.

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65Closed by Currency Code SearchClosed by Currency CodeNormalCode10Closed by Currency Codenvarchar(20)
Key to join to the Currency table.

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66Closed by Currency Amount SearchClosed by Currency AmountNormalDecimal12Closed by Currency Amountdecimal(38,38)
73Adjusted Currency Factor SearchAdjusted Currency FactorNormalDecimal12Adjusted Currency Factordecimal(38,38)
74Original Currency Factor SearchOriginal Currency FactorNormalDecimal12Original Currency Factordecimal(38,38)
75Original Amount SearchOriginal AmountFlowFieldDecimal12
76Date Filter SearchDate FilterFlowFilterDate4
77Remaining Pmt. Disc. Possible SearchRemaining Pmt. Disc. PossibleNormalDecimal12Remaining Pmt_ Disc_ Possibledecimal(38,38)
78Pmt. Disc. Tolerance Date SearchPmt. Disc. Tolerance DateNormalDate4Pmt_ Disc_ Tolerance Datedatetime
79Max. Payment Tolerance SearchMax. Payment ToleranceNormalDecimal12Max_ Payment Tolerancedecimal(38,38)
81Accepted Payment Tolerance SearchAccepted Payment ToleranceNormalDecimal12Accepted Payment Tolerancedecimal(38,38)
82Accepted Pmt. Disc. Tolerance SearchAccepted Pmt. Disc. ToleranceNormalBoolean4Accepted Pmt_ Disc_ Tolerancetinyint
83Pmt. Tolerance (LCY) SearchPmt. Tolerance ($)NormalDecimal12Pmt_ Tolerance (LCY)decimal(38,38)
84Amount to Apply SearchAmount to ApplyNormalDecimal12Amount to Applydecimal(38,38)
85IC Partner Code SearchIC Partner CodeNormalCode20IC Partner Codenvarchar(40)
Key to join to the IC Partner table.

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86Applying Entry SearchApplying EntryNormalBoolean4Applying Entrytinyint
87Reversed SearchReversedNormalBoolean4Reversedtinyint
88Reversed by Entry No. SearchReversed by Entry No.NormalInteger4Reversed by Entry No_int
89Reversed Entry No. SearchReversed Entry No.NormalInteger4Reversed Entry No_int
90Prepayment SearchPrepaymentNormalBoolean4Prepaymenttinyint
170Creditor No. SearchCreditor No.NormalCode20Creditor No_nvarchar(40)
171Payment Reference SearchPayment ReferenceNormalCode50Payment Referencenvarchar(100)
172Payment Method Code SearchPayment Method CodeNormalCode10Payment Method Codenvarchar(20)
Key to join to the Payment Method table.

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173Applies-to Ext. Doc. No. SearchApplies-to Ext. Doc. No.NormalCode35Applies-to Ext_ Doc_ No_nvarchar(70)
175Invoice Received Date SearchInvoice Received DateNormalDate4Invoice Received Datedatetime
288Recipient Bank Account SearchRecipient Bank AccountNormalCode20Recipient Bank Accountnvarchar(40)
289Message to Recipient SearchMessage to RecipientNormalText140Message to Recipientnvarchar(280)
290Exported to Payment File SearchExported to Payment FileNormalBoolean4Exported to Payment Filetinyint
480Dimension Set ID SearchDimension Set IDNormalInteger4Dimension Set IDint
Key to join to the Dimension Set Entry table.

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481Shortcut Dimension 3 Code SearchShortcut Dimension 3 CodeFlowFieldCode20
Key to join to the Dimension table.

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482Shortcut Dimension 4 Code SearchShortcut Dimension 4 CodeFlowFieldCode20
Key to join to the Dimension table.

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483Shortcut Dimension 5 Code SearchShortcut Dimension 5 CodeFlowFieldCode20
Key to join to the Dimension table.

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484Shortcut Dimension 6 Code SearchShortcut Dimension 6 CodeFlowFieldCode20
Key to join to the Dimension table.

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485Shortcut Dimension 7 Code SearchShortcut Dimension 7 CodeFlowFieldCode20
Key to join to the Dimension table.

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486Shortcut Dimension 8 Code SearchShortcut Dimension 8 CodeFlowFieldCode20
Key to join to the Dimension table.

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1000Remit-to Code SearchRemit-to CodeNormalCode20Remit-to Codenvarchar(40)
10020IRS 1099 Code SearchIRS 1099 CodeNormalCode10
10021IRS 1099 Amount SearchIRS 1099 AmountNormalDecimal12
2000000000$systemId SearchSystem IDNormalGUID16$systemIduniqueidentifier
2000000001SystemCreatedAt SearchCreated AtNormalDateTime8$systemCreatedAtdatetime
2000000002SystemCreatedBy SearchCreated ByNormalGUID16$systemCreatedByuniqueidentifier
Key to join to the User table.

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2000000003SystemModifiedAt SearchModified AtNormalDateTime8$systemModifiedAtdatetime
2000000004SystemModifiedBy SearchModified ByNormalGUID16$systemModifiedByuniqueidentifier

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