Intrastat Jnl. Line

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Table Type: Company

Table Name: Intrastat Jnl. Line
Database Table Name: CRONUS UK Ltd_$Intrastat Jnl_ Line$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972

Table Number: 263

Due to how Dynamics BC tables and columns are named, square brackets need to be wrapped around the table name and column names. Below are example queries showing how Intrastat Jnl. Line can be queried.

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Field No.Field NameField CaptionClassTypeLengthSQL Column NameSQL DataType
1Journal Template Name SearchJournal Template NameNormalCode10Journal Template Namenvarchar(20)
2Journal Batch Name Primary Key SearchJournal Batch NameNormalCode10Journal Batch Namenvarchar(20)
3Line No. Primary Key SearchLine No.NormalInteger4Line No_int
4Type Primary Key SearchTypeNormalOption4Typeint
Available options are:
  • “Receipt”
  • “Shipment”
5Date SearchDateNormalDate4Datedatetime
6Tariff No. SearchTariff No.NormalCode20Tariff No_nvarchar(40)
Key to join to the Tariff Number table.

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7Item Description SearchItem DescriptionNormalText100Item Descriptionnvarchar(200)
8Country/Region Code SearchCountry/Region CodeNormalCode10Country_Region Codenvarchar(20)
9Transaction Type SearchTransaction TypeNormalCode10Transaction Typenvarchar(20)
Key to join to the Transaction Type table.

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10Transport Method SearchTransport MethodNormalCode10Transport Methodnvarchar(20)
Key to join to the Transport Method table.

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11Source Type SearchSource TypeNormalOption4Source Typeint
Available options are:
  • “”
  • “Item Entry”
  • “Job Entry”
12Source Entry No. SearchSource Entry No.NormalInteger4Source Entry No_int
13Net Weight SearchNet WeightNormalDecimal12Net Weightdecimal(38,38)
14Amount SearchAmountNormalDecimal12Amountdecimal(38,38)
15Quantity SearchQuantityNormalDecimal12Quantitydecimal(38,38)
16Cost Regulation % SearchCost Regulation %NormalDecimal12Cost Regulation _decimal(38,38)
17Indirect Cost SearchIndirect CostNormalDecimal12Indirect Costdecimal(38,38)
18Statistical Value SearchStatistical ValueNormalDecimal12Statistical Valuedecimal(38,38)
19Document No. SearchDocument No.NormalCode20Document No_nvarchar(40)
20Item No. SearchItem No.NormalCode20Item No_nvarchar(40)
Key to join to the Item table.

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21Name SearchNameNormalText100Namenvarchar(200)
22Total Weight SearchTotal WeightNormalDecimal12Total Weightdecimal(38,38)
23Supplementary Units SearchSupplementary UnitsNormalBoolean4Supplementary Unitstinyint
24Internal Ref. No. SearchInternal Ref. No.NormalText10Internal Ref_ No_nvarchar(20)
25Country/Region of Origin Code SearchCountry/Region of Origin CodeNormalCode10Country_Region of Origin Codenvarchar(20)
26Entry/Exit Point SearchEntry/Exit PointNormalCode10Entry_Exit Pointnvarchar(20)
27Area SearchAreaNormalCode10Areanvarchar(20)
Key to join to the Area table.

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28Transaction Specification SearchTransaction SpecificationNormalCode10Transaction Specificationnvarchar(20)
Key to join to the Transaction Specification table.

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29Shpt. Method Code SearchShpt. Method CodeNormalCode10Shpt_ Method Codenvarchar(20)
Key to join to the Shipment Method table.

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30Partner VAT ID SearchPartner Tax IDNormalText50Partner VAT IDnvarchar(100)
31Location Code SearchLocation CodeNormalCode10Location Codenvarchar(20)
Key to join to the Location table.

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32Counterparty SearchCounterpartyNormalBoolean4Counterpartytinyint
2000000000$systemId SearchSystem IDNormalGUID16$systemIduniqueidentifier
2000000001SystemCreatedAt SearchCreated AtNormalDateTime8$systemCreatedAtdatetime
2000000002SystemCreatedBy SearchCreated ByNormalGUID16$systemCreatedByuniqueidentifier
Key to join to the User table.

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2000000003SystemModifiedAt SearchModified AtNormalDateTime8$systemModifiedAtdatetime
2000000004SystemModifiedBy SearchModified ByNormalGUID16$systemModifiedByuniqueidentifier

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