Business Unit

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Table Type: Company

Table Name: Business Unit
Database Table Name: CRONUS UK Ltd_$Business Unit$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972

Table Number: 220

Due to how Dynamics BC tables and columns are named, square brackets need to be wrapped around the table name and column names. Below are example queries showing how Business Unit can be queried.

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Field No.Field NameField CaptionClassTypeLengthSQL Column NameSQL DataType
1Code SearchCodeNormalCode20Codenvarchar(40)
2Consolidate Primary Key SearchConsolidateNormalBoolean4Consolidatetinyint
3Consolidation % SearchConsolidation %NormalDecimal12Consolidation _decimal(38,38)
4Starting Date SearchStarting DateNormalDate4Starting Datedatetime
5Ending Date SearchEnding DateNormalDate4Ending Datedatetime
Key to join to the Inventory Period table.

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6Income Currency Factor SearchIncome Currency FactorNormalDecimal12Income Currency Factordecimal(38,38)
7Balance Currency Factor SearchBalance Currency FactorNormalDecimal12Balance Currency Factordecimal(38,38)
8Exch. Rate Losses Acc. SearchExch. Rate Losses Acc.NormalCode20Exch_ Rate Losses Acc_nvarchar(40)
Key to join to the G/L Account table.

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9Exch. Rate Gains Acc. SearchExch. Rate Gains Acc.NormalCode20Exch_ Rate Gains Acc_nvarchar(40)
Key to join to the G/L Account table.

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10Residual Account SearchResidual AccountNormalCode20Residual Accountnvarchar(40)
Key to join to the G/L Account table.

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11Last Balance Currency Factor SearchLast Balance Currency FactorNormalDecimal12Last Balance Currency Factordecimal(38,38)
12Name SearchNameNormalText100Namenvarchar(200)
13Company Name SearchCompany NameNormalText30Company Namenvarchar(60)
Key to join to the Company table.

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14Currency Code SearchCurrency CodeNormalCode10Currency Codenvarchar(20)
Key to join to the Currency table.

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15Comp. Exch. Rate Gains Acc. SearchComp. Exch. Rate Gains Acc.NormalCode20Comp_ Exch_ Rate Gains Acc_nvarchar(40)
Key to join to the G/L Account table.

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16Comp. Exch. Rate Losses Acc. SearchComp. Exch. Rate Losses Acc.NormalCode20Comp_ Exch_ Rate Losses Acc_nvarchar(40)
Key to join to the G/L Account table.

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17Equity Exch. Rate Gains Acc. SearchEquity Exch. Rate Gains Acc.NormalCode20Equity Exch_ Rate Gains Acc_nvarchar(40)
Key to join to the G/L Account table.

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18Equity Exch. Rate Losses Acc. SearchEquity Exch. Rate Losses Acc.NormalCode20Equity Exch_ Rate Losses Acc_nvarchar(40)
Key to join to the G/L Account table.

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19Minority Exch. Rate Gains Acc. SearchMinority Exch. Rate Gains Acc.NormalCode20Minority Exch_ Rate Gains Acc_nvarchar(40)
Key to join to the G/L Account table.

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20Minority Exch. Rate Losses Acc SearchMinority Exch. Rate Losses AccNormalCode20Minority Exch_ Rate Losses Accnvarchar(40)
Key to join to the G/L Account table.

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21Currency Exchange Rate Table SearchCurrency Exchange Rate TableNormalOption4Currency Exchange Rate Tableint
Available options are:
  • “Local”
  • “Business Unit”
22Data Source SearchData SourceNormalOption4Data Sourceint
Available options are:
  • “Local Curr. (LCY)”
  • “Add. Rep. Curr. (ACY)”
23File Format SearchFile FormatNormalOption4File Formatint
Available options are:
  • “Version 4.00 or Later (.xml)”
  • “Version 3.70 or Earlier (.txt)”
24Last Run SearchLast RunNormalDate4Last Rundatetime
25Default Data Import Method SearchDefault Data Import MethodNormalOption4Default Data Import Methodint
Available options are:
  • “Database”
  • “API”
26BC API URL SearchBC API URLNormalText2048BC API URLnvarchar(4096)
27AAD Tenant ID SearchMicrosoft Entra tenant IDNormalGUID16AAD Tenant IDuniqueidentifier
28External Company Id SearchExternal Company IdNormalGUID16External Company Iduniqueidentifier
29External Company Name SearchExternal Company NameNormalText1024External Company Namenvarchar(2048)
2000000000$systemId SearchSystem IDNormalGUID16$systemIduniqueidentifier
2000000001SystemCreatedAt SearchCreated AtNormalDateTime8$systemCreatedAtdatetime
2000000002SystemCreatedBy SearchCreated ByNormalGUID16$systemCreatedByuniqueidentifier
Key to join to the User table.

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2000000003SystemModifiedAt SearchModified AtNormalDateTime8$systemModifiedAtdatetime
2000000004SystemModifiedBy SearchModified ByNormalGUID16$systemModifiedByuniqueidentifier

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