Seq. | Control ID | Control Name | Field No. | Field Name | Enabled | Editable | Visible |
0 | 232396190 | Allow Posting From  | 2 | Allow Posting From  | true | True | true |
1 | 659906095 | Allow Posting To  | 3 | Allow Posting To  | true | True | true |
2 | 1680307451 | Allow Deferral Posting From  | 5 | Allow Deferral Posting From  | true | True | true |
3 | 2069233576 | Allow Deferral Posting To  | 6 | Allow Deferral Posting To  | true | True | true |
4 | 1536003247 | VAT Reporting Date Usage  | 8 | VAT Reporting Date Usage  | true | True | true |
| Available options are:
- “Enabled”
- “Enabled (Prevent modification)”
- “Disabled”
5 | 1607902935 | Default VAT Reporting Date  | 7 | VAT Reporting Date  | true | True | true |
| Available options are:
- “Posting Date”
- “Document Date”
6 | 1154075439 | Register Time  | 4 | Register Time  | true | True | true |
7 | 821472269 | Local Address Format  | 57 | Local Address Format  | true | True | true |
| Available options are:
- “Post Code+City”
- “City+Post Code”
- “City+County+Post Code”
- “Blank Line+Post Code+City”
8 | 1440350498 | Local Cont. Addr. Format  | 60 | Local Cont. Addr. Format  | true | True | true |
| Available options are:
- “First”
- “After Company Name”
- “Last”
9 | 1190628677 | Req.Country/Reg. Code in Addr.  | 130 | Req.Country/Reg. Code in Addr.  | true | True | true |
10 | 149223793 | Inv. Rounding Precision (LCY)  | 58 | Inv. Rounding Precision (LCY)  | true | True | true |
11 | 1810134215 | Inv. Rounding Type (LCY)  | 59 | Inv. Rounding Type (LCY)  | true | True | true |
| Available options are:
12 | 771529517 | AmountRoundingPrecision  | 73 | Amount Rounding Precision  | true | True | true |
13 | 856415194 | AmountDecimalPlaces  | 66 | Amount Decimal Places  | true | True | true |
14 | 203989797 | UnitAmountRoundingPrecision  | 74 | Unit-Amount Rounding Precision  | true | True | true |
15 | 1593247724 | UnitAmountDecimalPlaces  | 67 | Unit-Amount Decimal Places  | true | True | true |
16 | 339096794 | Allow G/L Acc. Deletion Before  | 97 | Allow G/L Acc. Deletion Before  | true | True | true |
17 | 1787825337 | Block Deletion of G/L Accounts  | 104 | Block Deletion of G/L Accounts  | true | True | true |
18 | 1201334147 | Check G/L Account Usage  | 98 | Check G/L Account Usage  | true | True | true |
19 | 1632401071 | Mark Cr. Memos as Corrections  | 56 | Mark Cr. Memos as Corrections  | true | True | true |
20 | 276366913 | EMU Currency  | 70 | EMU Currency  | true | True | true |
21 | 2120060594 | LCY Code  | 71 | LCY Code  | true | True | true |
22 | 741273297 | Local Currency Symbol  | 162 | Local Currency Symbol  | true | True | true |
23 | 803781697 | Local Currency Description  | 163 | Local Currency Description  | true | True | true |
24 | 379338650 | Pmt. Disc. Excl. VAT  | 28 | Pmt. Disc. Excl. VAT  | true | True | true |
25 | 1724171886 | Adjust for Payment Disc.  | 49 | Adjust for Payment Disc.  | true | True | true |
26 | 666257541 | Unrealized VAT  | 48 | Unrealized VAT  | true | True | true |
27 | 601631384 | Prepayment Unrealized VAT  | 151 | Prepayment Unrealized VAT  | true | True | true |
28 | 1045315091 | Max. VAT Difference Allowed  | 89 | Max. VAT Difference Allowed  | true | True | true |
29 | 1105051285 | Tax Invoice Renaming Threshold  | 120 | Tax Invoice Renaming Threshold  | true | True | false |
30 | 74175740 | VAT Rounding Type  | 90 | VAT Rounding Type  | true | True | true |
| Available options are:
31 | 1758067894 | VAT Tolerance %  | 69 | VAT Tolerance %  | true | True | true |
32 | 1743442940 | Control VAT Period  | 188 | Control VAT Period  | true | True | true |
| Available options are:
- “Block posting within closed and warn for released period”
- “Block posting within closed period”
- “Warn when posting in closed period”
- “Disabled”
33 | 1332594186 | Bank Account Nos.  | 63 | Bank Account Nos.  | true | True | true |
34 | 840575705 | Bill-to/Sell-to VAT Calc.  | 103 | Bill-to/Sell-to VAT Calc.  | true | True | true |
| Available options are:
- “Bill-to/Pay-to No.”
- “Sell-to/Buy-from No.”
35 | 1247119909 | Print VAT specification in LCY  | 150 | Print VAT specification in LCY  | true | True | true |
36 | 1200678033 | Show Amounts  | 164 | Show Amounts  | true | True | true |
| Available options are:
- “Amount Only”
- “Debit/Credit Only”
- “All Amounts”
37 | 1235990101 | Hide Payment Method Code  | 176 | Hide Payment Method Code  | true | True | true |
38 | 729080489 | PostingPreviewType  | 169 | Posting Preview Type  | true | True | true |
| Available options are:
39 | 1038441628 | SEPANonEuroExport  | 170 | SEPA Non-Euro Export  | true | True | true |
40 | 705988193 | SEPAExportWoBankAccData  | 171 | SEPA Export w/o Bank Acc. Data  | true | True | true |
41 | 742955898 | Journal Templ. Name Mandatory  | 175 | Journal Templ. Name Mandatory  | true | True | false |
42 | 420338966 | EnableDataCheck  | 177 | Enable Data Check  | true | True | true |
43 | 1811115258 | Global Dimension 1 Code  | 79 | Global Dimension 1 Code  | true | False | true |
44 | 2022971815 | Global Dimension 2 Code  | 80 | Global Dimension 2 Code  | true | False | true |
45 | 635229711 | Shortcut Dimension 1 Code  | 81 | Shortcut Dimension 1 Code  | true | False | true |
46 | 2142785166 | Shortcut Dimension 2 Code  | 82 | Shortcut Dimension 2 Code  | true | False | true |
47 | 1783332301 | Shortcut Dimension 3 Code  | 83 | Shortcut Dimension 3 Code  | true | True | true |
48 | 1081831348 | Shortcut Dimension 4 Code  | 84 | Shortcut Dimension 4 Code  | true | True | true |
49 | 1745520757 | Shortcut Dimension 5 Code  | 85 | Shortcut Dimension 5 Code  | true | True | true |
50 | 1872356874 | Shortcut Dimension 6 Code  | 86 | Shortcut Dimension 6 Code  | true | True | true |
51 | 1512904009 | Shortcut Dimension 7 Code  | 87 | Shortcut Dimension 7 Code  | true | True | true |
52 | 915309896 | Shortcut Dimension 8 Code  | 88 | Shortcut Dimension 8 Code  | true | True | true |
53 | 1625358719 | Post with Job Queue  | 50 | Post with Job Queue  | true | True | true |
54 | 601795190 | Post & Print with Job Queue  | 53 | Post & Print with Job Queue  | true | True | true |
55 | 747014310 | Job Queue Category Code  | 51 | Job Queue Category Code  | true | True | true |
56 | 1819155196 | Notify On Success  | 55 | Notify On Success  | true | True | true |
57 | 1516066684 | Report Output Type  | 61 | Report Output Type  | true | True | true |
| Available options are:
58 | 1820616825 | Acc. Sched. for Balance Sheet  | 114 | Fin. Rep. for Balance Sheet  | true | True | true |
59 | 1549900037 | Acc. Sched. for Income Stmt.  | 115 | Fin. Rep. for Income Stmt.  | true | True | true |
60 | 1444779459 | Acc. Sched. for Cash Flow Stmt  | 116 | Fin. Rep. for Cash Flow Stmt  | true | True | true |
61 | 1374325076 | Acc. Sched. for Retained Earn.  | 117 | Fin. Rep. for Retained Earn.  | true | True | true |
62 | 683164909 | Additional Reporting Currency  | 68 | Additional Reporting Currency  | true | True | true |
63 | 1726301080 | VAT Exchange Rate Adjustment  | 72 | VAT Exchange Rate Adjustment  | true | True | true |
| Available options are:
- “No Adjustment”
- “Adjust Amount”
- “Adjust Additional-Currency Amount”
64 | 825536236 | Appln. Rounding Precision  | 75 | Appln. Rounding Precision  | true | True | true |
65 | 669114118 | Pmt. Disc. Tolerance Warning  | 100 | Pmt. Disc. Tolerance Warning  | true | True | true |
66 | 1868740824 | Pmt. Disc. Tolerance Posting  | 92 | Pmt. Disc. Tolerance Posting  | true | True | true |
| Available options are:
- “Payment Tolerance Accounts”
- “Payment Discount Accounts”
67 | 2054299267 | Payment Discount Grace Period  | 93 | Payment Discount Grace Period  | true | True | true |
68 | 1307698420 | Payment Tolerance Warning  | 101 | Payment Tolerance Warning  | true | True | true |
69 | 1285847362 | Payment Tolerance Posting  | 99 | Payment Tolerance Posting  | true | True | true |
| Available options are:
- “Payment Tolerance Accounts”
- “Payment Discount Accounts”
70 | 562374765 | Payment Tolerance %  | 94 | Payment Tolerance %  | true | False | true |
71 | 1624611304 | Max. Payment Tolerance Amount  | 95 | Max. Payment Tolerance Amount  | true | False | true |
72 | 1482274424 | Threshold applies  | 10500 |  | true | True | true |
73 | 1112279662 | ThresholdAmount  | 10501 |  | p118p118ThresholdAmountEnable | True | true |
74 | 449823231 | Adjust ARC Jnl. Template Name  | 184 | Adjust ARC Jnl. Template Name  | true | True | true |
75 | 1342640501 | Adjust ARC Jnl. Batch Name  | 185 | Adjust ARC Jnl. Batch Name  | true | True | true |
76 | 948991520 | Apply Jnl. Template Name  | 180 | Apply Jnl. Template Name  | true | True | true |
77 | 695519740 | Apply Jnl. Batch Name  | 181 | Apply Jnl. Batch Name  | true | True | true |
78 | 444912755 | Job WIP Jnl. Template Name  | 182 | Job WIP Jnl. Template Name  | true | True | true |
79 | 226870505 | Job WIP Jnl. Batch Name  | 183 | Job WIP Jnl. Batch Name  | true | True | true |
80 | 1542463728 | Bank Acc. Recon. Template Name  | 186 | Bank Acc. Recon. Template Name  | true | True | true |
81 | 2135765324 | Bank Acc. Recon. Batch Name  | 187 | Bank Acc. Recon. Batch Name  | true | True | true |
82 | 1224995458 | Payroll Trans. Import Format  | 160 | Payroll Trans. Import Format  | true | True | 0 |