OAuth 2.0 Setup

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Table Type: Company

Table Name: OAuth 2.0 Setup
Database Table Name: CRONUS UK Ltd_$OAuth 2_0 Setup$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972

Table Number: 1140

Due to how Dynamics BC tables and columns are named, square brackets need to be wrapped around the table name and column names. Below are example queries showing how OAuth 2.0 Setup can be queried.

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Show/hide an example select of all columns by name

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Show/hide columns in OAuth 2.0 Setup table

Field No.Field NameField CaptionClassTypeLengthSQL Column NameSQL DataType
1Code SearchCodeNormalCode20Codenvarchar(40)
2Description Primary Key SearchDescriptionNormalText250Descriptionnvarchar(500)
3Service URL SearchService URLNormalText250Service URLnvarchar(500)
4Redirect URL SearchRedirect URLNormalText250Redirect URLnvarchar(500)
5Client ID SearchClient IDNormalGUID16Client IDuniqueidentifier
6Client Secret SearchClient SecretNormalGUID16Client Secretuniqueidentifier
7Access Token SearchAccess TokenNormalGUID16Access Tokenuniqueidentifier
8Refresh Token SearchRefresh TokenNormalGUID16Refresh Tokenuniqueidentifier
9Authorization URL Path SearchAuthorization URL PathNormalText250Authorization URL Pathnvarchar(500)
10Access Token URL Path SearchAccess Token URL PathNormalText250Access Token URL Pathnvarchar(500)
11Refresh Token URL Path SearchRefresh Token URL PathNormalText250Refresh Token URL Pathnvarchar(500)
12Scope SearchScopeNormalText250Scopenvarchar(500)
13Authorization Response Type SearchAuthorization Response TypeNormalText250Authorization Response Typenvarchar(500)
14Status SearchStatusNormalOption4Statusint
Available options are:
  • ” “
  • “Enabled”
  • “Disabled”
  • “Connected”
  • “Error”
15Token DataScope SearchToken DataScopeNormalOption4Token DataScopeint
Available options are:
  • “Module”
  • “User”
  • “Company”
  • “UserAndCompany”
16Activity Log ID SearchActivity Log IDNormalInteger4Activity Log IDint
17Daily Limit SearchDaily LimitNormalInteger4Daily Limitint
18Daily Count SearchDaily CountNormalInteger4Daily Countint
19Latest Datetime SearchLatest DatetimeNormalDateTime8Latest Datetimedatetime
20Access Token Due DateTime SearchAccess Token Due DateTimeNormalDateTime8Access Token Due DateTimedatetime
21Feature GUID SearchFeature GUIDNormalGUID16Feature GUIDuniqueidentifier
22User ID SearchUser IDNormalCode50User IDnvarchar(100)
2000000000$systemId SearchSystem IDNormalGUID16$systemIduniqueidentifier
2000000001SystemCreatedAt SearchCreated AtNormalDateTime8$systemCreatedAtdatetime
2000000002SystemCreatedBy SearchCreated ByNormalGUID16$systemCreatedByuniqueidentifier
Key to join to the User table.

Show/hide example query

2000000003SystemModifiedAt SearchModified AtNormalDateTime8$systemModifiedAtdatetime
2000000004SystemModifiedBy SearchModified ByNormalGUID16$systemModifiedByuniqueidentifier

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