O365 Settings Menu

Easily find this page again using the shortlink: https://bct.azrcrv.co.uk/2132

Table Type: Company

Table Name: O365 Settings Menu
Database Table Name: CRONUS UK Ltd_$O365 Settings Menu$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972

Table Number: 2132

Due to how Dynamics BC tables and columns are named, square brackets need to be wrapped around the table name and column names. Below are example queries showing how O365 Settings Menu can be queried.

Show/hide an example select of all columns

Show/hide an example select of all columns by name

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Show/hide columns in O365 Settings Menu table

Field No.Field NameField CaptionClassTypeLengthSQL Column NameSQL DataType
1Key SearchKeyNormalInteger4Keyint
2Page ID Primary Key SearchPage IDNormalInteger4Page IDint
3Title SearchTitleNormalText30Titlenvarchar(60)
4Description SearchDescriptionNormalText80Descriptionnvarchar(160)
5Link SearchLinkNormalText250Linknvarchar(500)
6On Open Action SearchOn Open ActionNormalOption4On Open Actionint
Available options are:
  • “Hyperlink”
  • “Page”
10Parameter SearchParameterNormalText250Parameternvarchar(500)
2000000000$systemId SearchSystem IDNormalGUID16$systemIduniqueidentifier
2000000001SystemCreatedAt SearchCreated AtNormalDateTime8$systemCreatedAtdatetime
2000000002SystemCreatedBy SearchCreated ByNormalGUID16$systemCreatedByuniqueidentifier
Key to join to the User table.

Show/hide example query

2000000003SystemModifiedAt SearchModified AtNormalDateTime8$systemModifiedAtdatetime
2000000004SystemModifiedBy SearchModified ByNormalGUID16$systemModifiedByuniqueidentifier

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