FA Posting Group

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Table Type: Company

Table Name: FA Posting Group
Database Table Name: CRONUS UK Ltd_$FA Posting Group$437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972

Table Number: 5606

Due to how Dynamics BC tables and columns are named, square brackets need to be wrapped around the table name and column names. Below are example queries showing how FA Posting Group can be queried.

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Show/hide columns in FA Posting Group table

Field No.Field NameField CaptionClassTypeLengthSQL Column NameSQL DataType
1Code SearchCodeNormalCode20Codenvarchar(40)
2Acquisition Cost Account Primary Key SearchAcquisition Cost AccountNormalCode20Acquisition Cost Accountnvarchar(40)
Key to join to the G/L Account table.

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3Accum. Depreciation Account SearchAccum. Depreciation AccountNormalCode20Accum_ Depreciation Accountnvarchar(40)
Key to join to the G/L Account table.

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4Write-Down Account SearchWrite-Down AccountNormalCode20Write-Down Accountnvarchar(40)
Key to join to the G/L Account table.

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5Appreciation Account SearchAppreciation AccountNormalCode20Appreciation Accountnvarchar(40)
Key to join to the G/L Account table.

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6Custom 1 Account SearchCustom 1 AccountNormalCode20Custom 1 Accountnvarchar(40)
Key to join to the G/L Account table.

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7Custom 2 Account SearchCustom 2 AccountNormalCode20Custom 2 Accountnvarchar(40)
Key to join to the G/L Account table.

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8Acq. Cost Acc. on Disposal SearchAcq. Cost Acc. on DisposalNormalCode20Acq_ Cost Acc_ on Disposalnvarchar(40)
Key to join to the G/L Account table.

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9Accum. Depr. Acc. on Disposal SearchAccum. Depr. Acc. on DisposalNormalCode20Accum_ Depr_ Acc_ on Disposalnvarchar(40)
Key to join to the G/L Account table.

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10Write-Down Acc. on Disposal SearchWrite-Down Acc. on DisposalNormalCode20Write-Down Acc_ on Disposalnvarchar(40)
Key to join to the G/L Account table.

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11Appreciation Acc. on Disposal SearchAppreciation Acc. on DisposalNormalCode20Appreciation Acc_ on Disposalnvarchar(40)
Key to join to the G/L Account table.

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12Custom 1 Account on Disposal SearchCustom 1 Account on DisposalNormalCode20Custom 1 Account on Disposalnvarchar(40)
Key to join to the G/L Account table.

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13Custom 2 Account on Disposal SearchCustom 2 Account on DisposalNormalCode20Custom 2 Account on Disposalnvarchar(40)
Key to join to the G/L Account table.

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14Gains Acc. on Disposal SearchGains Acc. on DisposalNormalCode20Gains Acc_ on Disposalnvarchar(40)
Key to join to the G/L Account table.

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15Losses Acc. on Disposal SearchLosses Acc. on DisposalNormalCode20Losses Acc_ on Disposalnvarchar(40)
Key to join to the G/L Account table.

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16Book Val. Acc. on Disp. (Gain) SearchBook Val. Acc. on Disp. (Gain)NormalCode20Book Val_ Acc_ on Disp_ (Gain)nvarchar(40)
Key to join to the G/L Account table.

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17Sales Acc. on Disp. (Gain) SearchSales Acc. on Disp. (Gain)NormalCode20Sales Acc_ on Disp_ (Gain)nvarchar(40)
Key to join to the G/L Account table.

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18Write-Down Bal. Acc. on Disp. SearchWrite-Down Bal. Acc. on Disp.NormalCode20Write-Down Bal_ Acc_ on Disp_nvarchar(40)
Key to join to the G/L Account table.

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19Apprec. Bal. Acc. on Disp. SearchApprec. Bal. Acc. on Disp.NormalCode20Apprec_ Bal_ Acc_ on Disp_nvarchar(40)
Key to join to the G/L Account table.

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20Custom 1 Bal. Acc. on Disposal SearchCustom 1 Bal. Acc. on DisposalNormalCode20Custom 1 Bal_ Acc_ on Disposalnvarchar(40)
Key to join to the G/L Account table.

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21Custom 2 Bal. Acc. on Disposal SearchCustom 2 Bal. Acc. on DisposalNormalCode20Custom 2 Bal_ Acc_ on Disposalnvarchar(40)
Key to join to the G/L Account table.

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22Maintenance Expense Account SearchMaintenance Expense AccountNormalCode20Maintenance Expense Accountnvarchar(40)
Key to join to the G/L Account table.

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23Maintenance Bal. Acc. SearchMaintenance Bal. Acc.NormalCode20Maintenance Bal_ Acc_nvarchar(40)
Key to join to the G/L Account table.

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24Acquisition Cost Bal. Acc. SearchAcquisition Cost Bal. Acc.NormalCode20Acquisition Cost Bal_ Acc_nvarchar(40)
Key to join to the G/L Account table.

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25Depreciation Expense Acc. SearchDepreciation Expense Acc.NormalCode20Depreciation Expense Acc_nvarchar(40)
Key to join to the G/L Account table.

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26Write-Down Expense Acc. SearchWrite-Down Expense Acc.NormalCode20Write-Down Expense Acc_nvarchar(40)
Key to join to the G/L Account table.

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27Appreciation Bal. Account SearchAppreciation Bal. AccountNormalCode20Appreciation Bal_ Accountnvarchar(40)
Key to join to the G/L Account table.

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28Custom 1 Expense Acc. SearchCustom 1 Expense Acc.NormalCode20Custom 1 Expense Acc_nvarchar(40)
Key to join to the G/L Account table.

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29Custom 2 Expense Acc. SearchCustom 2 Expense Acc.NormalCode20Custom 2 Expense Acc_nvarchar(40)
Key to join to the G/L Account table.

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30Sales Bal. Acc. SearchSales Bal. Acc.NormalCode20Sales Bal_ Acc_nvarchar(40)
Key to join to the G/L Account table.

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31Allocated Acquisition Cost % SearchAllocated Acquisition Cost %FlowFieldDecimal12
32Allocated Depreciation % SearchAllocated Depreciation %FlowFieldDecimal12
33Allocated Write-Down % SearchAllocated Write-Down %FlowFieldDecimal12
34Allocated Appreciation % SearchAllocated Appreciation %FlowFieldDecimal12
35Allocated Custom 1 % SearchAllocated Custom 1 %FlowFieldDecimal12
36Allocated Custom 2 % SearchAllocated Custom 2 %FlowFieldDecimal12
37Allocated Sales Price % SearchAllocated Sales Price %FlowFieldDecimal12
38Allocated Maintenance % SearchAllocated Maintenance %FlowFieldDecimal12
39Allocated Gain % SearchAllocated Gain %FlowFieldDecimal12
40Allocated Loss % SearchAllocated Loss %FlowFieldDecimal12
41Allocated Book Value % (Gain) SearchAllocated Book Value % (Gain)FlowFieldDecimal12
42Allocated Book Value % (Loss) SearchAllocated Book Value % (Loss)FlowFieldDecimal12
43Sales Acc. on Disp. (Loss) SearchSales Acc. on Disp. (Loss)NormalCode20Sales Acc_ on Disp_ (Loss)nvarchar(40)
Key to join to the G/L Account table.

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44Book Val. Acc. on Disp. (Loss) SearchBook Val. Acc. on Disp. (Loss)NormalCode20Book Val_ Acc_ on Disp_ (Loss)nvarchar(40)
Key to join to the G/L Account table.

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2000000000$systemId SearchSystem IDNormalGUID16$systemIduniqueidentifier
2000000001SystemCreatedAt SearchCreated AtNormalDateTime8$systemCreatedAtdatetime
2000000002SystemCreatedBy SearchCreated ByNormalGUID16$systemCreatedByuniqueidentifier
Key to join to the User table.

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2000000003SystemModifiedAt SearchModified AtNormalDateTime8$systemModifiedAtdatetime
2000000004SystemModifiedBy SearchModified ByNormalGUID16$systemModifiedByuniqueidentifier

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