Seq. | Control ID | Control Name | Field No. | Field Name | Enabled | Editable | Visible |
0 | 1438765276 | No. | 3 | No. | true | True | p42p42DocNoVisible |
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2 | 620239024 | Sell-to Customer Name | 79 | Sell-to Customer Name | true | True | true |
3 | 1660211082 | VAT Registration No. | 70 | VAT Registration No. | true | false | false |
4 | 1828584746 | Quote No. | 151 | Quote No. | true | False | true |
5 | 1510337741 | Posting Description | 22 | Posting Description | true | True | false |
6 | 227550019 | Sell-to Address | 81 | Sell-to Address | true | True | true |
7 | 2020501585 | Sell-to Address 2 | 82 | Sell-to Address 2 | true | True | true |
8 | 151919156 | Sell-to City | 83 | Sell-to City | true | True | true |
9 | 1432197073 | Sell-to County | 89 | Sell-to County | true | True | true |
10 | 1094901246 | Sell-to Post Code | 88 | Sell-to Post Code | true | True | true |
11 | 41602681 | Sell-to Country/Region Code | 90 | Sell-to Country/Region Code | true | True | true |
12 | 390925012 | Sell-to Contact No. | 5052 | Sell-to Contact No. | true | True | true |
13 | 1547896896 | Sell-to Phone No. | 171 | Sell-to Phone No. | true | True | true |
14 | 361053405 | SellToMobilePhoneNo | | | true | false | true |
15 | 203175078 | Sell-to E-Mail | 172 | Sell-to E-Mail | true | True | true |
16 | 394478941 | Sell-to Contact | 84 | Sell-to Contact | true | Sell-to Customer No. <> ‘ | true |
17 | 234037618 | No. of Archived Versions | 5043 | No. of Archived Versions | true | False | true |
18 | 444754128 | Document Date | 99 | Document Date | true | True | true |
19 | 1048460105 | Posting Date | 20 | Posting Date | true | True | true |
20 | 1243127346 | VAT Reporting Date | 179 | VAT Reporting Date | true | p42p42VATDateEnabled | p42p42VATDateEnabled |
21 | 229488401 | Order Date | 19 | Order Date | true | True | true |
22 | 213480651 | Due Date | 24 | Due Date | true | True | true |
23 | 2000604493 | Requested Delivery Date | 5790 | Requested Delivery Date | true | True | true |
24 | 1397147936 | Promised Delivery Date | 5791 | Promised Delivery Date | true | True | true |
25 | 1543494658 | External Document No. | 100 | External Document No. | true | True | true |
26 | 1085007337 | Your Reference | 11 | Your Reference | true | True | true |
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28 | 1722679768 | ShpfyShopify Risk Level | 30102 | Shpfy Risk Level | true | True | false |
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29 | 1802595509 | Salesperson Code | 43 | Salesperson Code | true | True | true |
30 | 1907494626 | Campaign No. | 5050 | Campaign No. | true | True | true |
31 | 879763827 | Opportunity No. | 5055 | Opportunity No. | true | True | true |
32 | 1383047540 | Responsibility Center | 5700 | Responsibility Center | true | True | true |
33 | 1439933039 | Assigned User ID | 9000 | Assigned User ID | true | True | true |
34 | 938987375 | Job Queue Status | 160 | Job Queue Status | true | False | p42p42JobQueuesUsed |
| Available options are:
- ” “
- “Scheduled for Posting”
- “Error”
- “Posting”
35 | 37395361 | Status | 120 | Status | true | False | true |
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- “Open”
- “Released”
- “Pending Approval”
- “Pending Prepayment”
36 | 996982860 | WorkDescription | | | true | true | true |
37 | 1188753591 | Currency Code | 32 | Currency Code | true | True | true |
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40 | 505551365 | VAT Bus. Posting Group | 116 | VAT Bus. Posting Group | true | True | true |
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45 | 1281129877 | SelectedPayments | | | p42p42PaymentServiceEnabled | False | true |
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50 | 479835213 | Journal Templ. Name | 178 | Journal Templ. Name | true | True | p42p42IsJournalTemplNameVisible |
51 | 543971373 | Direct Debit Mandate ID | 1200 | Direct Debit Mandate ID | true | True | true |
52 | 2076161873 | ShippingOptions | | | true | true | true |
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- “Default (Sell-to Address)”
- “Alternate Shipping Address”
- “Custom Address”
53 | 127976634 | Ship-to Code | 12 | Ship-to Code | true | p42p42ShipToOptions = 1 | true |
54 | 391068112 | Ship-to Name | 13 | Ship-to Name | true | p42p42ShipToOptions = 2 | true |
55 | 700044303 | Ship-to Address | 15 | Ship-to Address | true | p42p42ShipToOptions = 2 | true |
56 | 2098505469 | Ship-to Address 2 | 16 | Ship-to Address 2 | true | p42p42ShipToOptions = 2 | true |
57 | 407947776 | Ship-to City | 17 | Ship-to City | true | p42p42ShipToOptions = 2 | true |
58 | 143714275 | Ship-to County | 92 | Ship-to County | true | p42p42ShipToOptions = 2 | true |
59 | 731646898 | Ship-to Post Code | 91 | Ship-to Post Code | true | p42p42ShipToOptions = 2 | true |
60 | 1719858827 | Ship-to Country/Region Code | 93 | Ship-to Country/Region Code | true | p42p42ShipToOptions = 2 | true |
61 | 1260204543 | Ship-to Contact | 18 | Ship-to Contact | true | True | true |
62 | 1161720793 | Shipment Method Code | 27 | Shipment Method Code | true | True | true |
63 | 1979747915 | Shipping Agent Code | 105 | Shipping Agent Code | true | True | true |
64 | 354161720 | Shipping Agent Service Code | 5794 | Shipping Agent Service Code | true | True | true |
65 | 1688839017 | Package Tracking No. | 106 | Package Tracking No. | true | True | true |
66 | 1751716211 | BillToOptions | | | true | true | true |
| Available options are:
- “Default (Customer)”
- “Another Customer”
- “Custom Address”
67 | 988200287 | Bill-to Name | 5 | Bill-to Name | ( ( p42p42BillToOptions = 1 ) or ( ( p42p42BillToO | ( ( p42p42BillToOptions = 1 ) or ( ( p42p42BillToO | true |
68 | 2138820440 | Bill-to Address | 7 | Bill-to Address | ( p42p42BillToOptions = 2 ) or ( Bill-to Customer | ( p42p42BillToOptions = 2 ) or ( Bill-to Customer | true |
69 | 1131761690 | Bill-to Address 2 | 8 | Bill-to Address 2 | ( p42p42BillToOptions = 2 ) or ( Bill-to Customer | ( p42p42BillToOptions = 2 ) or ( Bill-to Customer | true |
70 | 1224442161 | Bill-to City | 9 | Bill-to City | ( p42p42BillToOptions = 2 ) or ( Bill-to Customer | ( p42p42BillToOptions = 2 ) or ( Bill-to Customer | true |
71 | 800786196 | Bill-to County | 86 | Bill-to County | ( p42p42BillToOptions = 2 ) or ( Bill-to Customer | ( p42p42BillToOptions = 2 ) or ( Bill-to Customer | true |
72 | 1047275419 | Bill-to Post Code | 85 | Bill-to Post Code | ( p42p42BillToOptions = 2 ) or ( Bill-to Customer | ( p42p42BillToOptions = 2 ) or ( Bill-to Customer | true |
73 | 120155092 | Bill-to Country/Region Code | 87 | Bill-to Country/Region Code | ( p42p42BillToOptions = 2 ) or ( Bill-to Customer | ( p42p42BillToOptions = 2 ) or ( Bill-to Customer | true |
74 | 2068496809 | Bill-to Contact No. | 5053 | Bill-to Contact No. | ( p42p42BillToOptions = 2 ) or ( Bill-to Customer | ( p42p42BillToOptions = 2 ) or ( Bill-to Customer | true |
75 | 1969932710 | Bill-to Contact | 10 | Bill-to Contact | ( p42p42BillToOptions = 2 ) or ( Bill-to Customer | ( p42p42BillToOptions = 2 ) or ( Bill-to Customer | true |
76 | 460544310 | BillToContactPhoneNo | | | true | false | true |
77 | 113297522 | BillToContactMobilePhoneNo | | | true | false | true |
78 | 1204683121 | BillToContactEmail | | | true | false | true |
79 | 1998116491 | Location Code | 28 | Location Code | true | True | true |
80 | 1083953223 | Shipment Date | 21 | Shipment Date | true | True | true |
81 | 546773093 | Shipping Advice | 5750 | Shipping Advice | true | True | true |
| Available options are:
82 | 41840770 | Outbound Whse. Handling Time | 5793 | Outbound Whse. Handling Time | true | True | true |
83 | 474774100 | Shipping Time | 5792 | Shipping Time | true | True | true |
84 | 649276115 | Late Order Shipping | 5795 | Late Order Shipping | true | False | true |
85 | 873579433 | Combine Shipments | 71 | Combine Shipments | true | True | true |
86 | 971630956 | Completely Shipped | 5752 | Completely Shipped | true | False | true |
87 | 202094782 | Transaction Specification | 102 | Transaction Specification | true | True | true |
88 | 870315471 | Transaction Type | 76 | Transaction Type | true | True | true |
89 | 1277229561 | Transport Method | 77 | Transport Method | true | True | true |
90 | 1965144727 | Exit Point | 97 | Exit Point | true | True | true |
91 | 1636959124 | Area | 101 | Area | true | True | true |
92 | 864497996 | Language Code | 41 | Language Code | true | True | false |
93 | 1055809256 | Format Region | 42 | Format Region | true | True | false |
94 | 444506995 | Prepayment % | 130 | Prepayment % | true | True | true |
95 | 22632648 | Compress Prepayment | 132 | Compress Prepayment | true | True | true |
96 | 1438167143 | Prepmt. Payment Terms Code | 139 | Prepmt. Payment Terms Code | true | True | true |
97 | 1690420010 | Prepayment Due Date | 133 | Prepayment Due Date | true | True | true |
98 | 585572625 | Prepmt. Payment Discount % | 140 | Prepmt. Payment Discount % | true | True | true |
99 | 1309574325 | Prepmt. Pmt. Discount Date | 138 | Prepmt. Pmt. Discount Date | true | True | true |