Seq. | Control ID | Control Name | Field No. | Field Name | Enabled | Editable | Visible |
0 | 1244241299 | documentType | 1 | Document Type | true | True | true |
| Available options are:
- “Quote”
- “Order”
- “Invoice”
- “Credit Memo”
- “Blanket Order”
- “Return Order”
1 | 640568162 | sellToCustomerNumber | 2 | Sell-to Customer No. | true | False | true |
2 | 821188048 | documentNumber | 3 | Document No. | true | True | true |
3 | 1194669961 | lineNumber | 4 | Line No. | true | True | true |
4 | 1923844924 | type | 5 | Type | true | True | true |
| Available options are:
- ” “
- “G/L Account”
- “Item”
- “Resource”
- “Fixed Asset”
- “Charge (Item)”
- “Allocation Account”
5 | 464419561 | number | 6 | No. | true | True | true |
6 | 904827340 | locationCode | 7 | Location Code | true | True | true |
7 | 775218819 | postingGroup | 8 | Posting Group | true | False | true |
8 | 729727952 | shipmentDate | 10 | Shipment Date | true | True | true |
9 | 536343846 | description | 11 | Description | true | True | true |
10 | 1045367080 | description2 | 12 | Description 2 | true | True | true |
11 | 550003667 | unitOfMeasure | 13 | Unit of Measure | true | True | true |
12 | 677590447 | quantity | 15 | Quantity | true | True | true |
13 | 283526507 | outstandingQuantity | 16 | Outstanding Quantity | true | False | true |
14 | 747411298 | qtyToInvoice | 17 | Qty. to Invoice | true | True | true |
15 | 1979759007 | qtyToShip | 18 | Qty. to Ship | true | True | true |
16 | 1658654743 | unitPrice | 22 | Unit Price | true | True | true |
17 | 581850143 | unitCostLcy | 23 | Unit Cost (LCY) | true | True | true |
18 | 159065564 | vatPercent | 25 | VAT % | true | False | true |
19 | 269375412 | lineDiscountPercent | 27 | Line Discount % | true | True | true |
20 | 731781435 | lineDiscountAmount | 28 | Line Discount Amount | true | True | true |
21 | 823228304 | amount | 29 | Amount | true | False | true |
22 | 7671642 | amountIncludingVat | 30 | Amount Including VAT | true | False | true |
23 | 1382410503 | allowInvoiceDisc | 32 | Allow Invoice Disc. | true | True | true |
24 | 1763055282 | grossWeight | 34 | Gross Weight | true | True | true |
25 | 1737810605 | netWeight | 35 | Net Weight | true | True | true |
26 | 1829845401 | unitsPerParcel | 36 | Units per Parcel | true | True | true |
27 | 1078089866 | unitVolume | 37 | Unit Volume | true | True | true |
28 | 686045411 | applToItemEntry | 38 | Appl.-to Item Entry | true | True | true |
29 | 524735744 | shortcutDimension1Code | 40 | Shortcut Dimension 1 Code | true | True | true |
30 | 1822039285 | shortcutDimension2Code | 41 | Shortcut Dimension 2 Code | true | True | true |
31 | 2089352094 | customerPriceGroup | 42 | Customer Price Group | true | False | true |
32 | 167429152 | jobNumber | 45 | Job No. | true | False | true |
33 | 1247318760 | workTypeCode | 52 | Work Type Code | true | True | true |
34 | 93681187 | recalculateInvoiceDisc | 56 | Recalculate Invoice Disc. | true | False | true |
35 | 1405097062 | outstandingAmount | 57 | Outstanding Amount | true | False | true |
36 | 275615931 | qtyShippedNotInvoiced | 58 | Qty. Shipped Not Invoiced | true | False | true |
37 | 206367449 | shippedNotInvoiced | 59 | Shipped Not Invoiced | true | False | true |
38 | 1954833012 | quantityShipped | 60 | Quantity Shipped | true | False | true |
39 | 168946838 | quantityInvoiced | 61 | Quantity Invoiced | true | False | true |
40 | 366327457 | shipmentNumber | 63 | Shipment No. | true | False | true |
41 | 365528897 | shipmentLineNumber | 64 | Shipment Line No. | true | False | true |
42 | 1442331703 | profitPercent | 67 | Profit % | true | False | true |
43 | 406338157 | billToCustomerNumber | 68 | Bill-to Customer No. | true | False | true |
44 | 372983764 | invDiscountAmount | 69 | Inv. Discount Amount | true | False | true |
45 | 1177130718 | purchaseOrderNumber | 71 | Purchase Order No. | true | False | true |
46 | 93654371 | purchOrderLineNumber | 72 | Purch. Order Line No. | true | False | true |
47 | 1536348435 | dropShipment | 73 | Drop Shipment | true | True | true |
48 | 856123813 | genBusPostingGroup | 74 | Gen. Bus. Posting Group | true | True | true |
49 | 267118286 | genProdPostingGroup | 75 | Gen. Prod. Posting Group | true | True | true |
50 | 551529686 | vatCalculationType | 77 | VAT Calculation Type | true | False | true |
| Available options are:
- “Normal VAT”
- “Reverse Charge VAT”
- “Full VAT”
- “Sales Tax”
51 | 1501945456 | transactionType | 78 | Transaction Type | true | True | true |
52 | 1375974560 | transportMethod | 79 | Transport Method | true | True | true |
53 | 3783240 | attachedToLineNumber | 80 | Attached to Line No. | true | False | true |
54 | 1419977496 | exitPoint | 81 | Exit Point | true | True | true |
55 | 1802192605 | area | 82 | Area | true | True | true |
56 | 712642773 | transactionSpecification | 83 | Transaction Specification | true | True | true |
57 | 651243775 | taxCategory | 84 | Tax Category | true | True | true |
58 | 1395511853 | taxAreaCode | 85 | Tax Area Code | true | True | true |
59 | 1597679166 | taxLiable | 86 | Tax Liable | true | True | true |
60 | 1211699003 | taxGroupCode | 87 | Tax Group Code | true | True | true |
61 | 1094943407 | vatClauseCode | 88 | VAT Clause Code | true | True | true |
62 | 1510783676 | vatBusPostingGroup | 89 | VAT Bus. Posting Group | true | True | true |
63 | 1056170983 | vatProdPostingGroup | 90 | VAT Prod. Posting Group | true | True | true |
64 | 1398764246 | currencyCode | 91 | Currency Code | true | False | true |
65 | 1586339340 | outstandingAmountLcy | 92 | Outstanding Amount (LCY) | true | False | true |
66 | 963676705 | shippedNotInvoicedLcy | 93 | Shipped Not Invoiced (LCY) | true | False | true |
67 | 85955929 | shippedNotInvLcyNoVat | 94 | Shipped Not Inv. (LCY) No VAT | true | False | true |
68 | 2059088933 | reservedQuantity | 95 | Reserved Quantity | true | False | true |
69 | 1194986212 | reserve | 96 | Reserve | true | True | true |
| Available options are:
- “Never”
- “Optional”
- “Always”
70 | 1867730098 | blanketOrderNumber | 97 | Blanket Order No. | true | True | true |
71 | 1480392604 | blanketOrderLineNumber | 98 | Blanket Order Line No. | true | True | true |
72 | 1001638730 | vatBaseAmount | 99 | VAT Base Amount | true | False | true |
73 | 1342145367 | unitCost | 100 | Unit Cost | true | False | true |
74 | 7534669 | systemCreatedEntry | 101 | System-Created Entry | true | False | true |
75 | 113548642 | lineAmount | 103 | Line Amount | true | True | true |
76 | 2027378520 | vatDifference | 104 | VAT Difference | true | False | true |
77 | 1865377574 | invDiscAmountToInvoice | 105 | Inv. Disc. Amount to Invoice | true | False | true |
78 | 1482982140 | vatIdentifier | 106 | VAT Identifier | true | False | true |
79 | 238748743 | icPartnerRefType | 107 | IC Partner Ref. Type | true | True | true |
| Available options are:
- ” “
- “G/L Account”
- “Item”
- “Charge (Item)”
- “Cross Reference”
- “Common Item No.”
- “Vendor Item No.”
80 | 2131283485 | icPartnerReference | 108 | IC Partner Reference | true | True | true |
81 | 1664669786 | prepaymentPercent | 109 | Prepayment % | true | True | true |
82 | 342191760 | prepmtLineAmount | 110 | Prepmt. Line Amount | true | True | true |
83 | 1512076411 | prepmtAmtInv | 111 | Prepmt. Amt. Inv. | true | False | true |
84 | 817871209 | prepmtAmtInclVat | 112 | Prepmt. Amt. Incl. VAT | true | False | true |
85 | 1593842269 | prepaymentAmount | 113 | Prepayment Amount | true | False | true |
86 | 1449753532 | prepmtVatBaseAmt | 114 | Prepmt. VAT Base Amt. | true | False | true |
87 | 1056953095 | prepaymentVatPercent | 115 | Prepayment VAT % | true | False | true |
88 | 1721040828 | prepmtVatCalcType | 116 | Prepmt. VAT Calc. Type | true | False | true |
| Available options are:
- “Normal VAT”
- “Reverse Charge VAT”
- “Full VAT”
- “Sales Tax”
89 | 125673399 | prepaymentVatIdentifier | 117 | Prepayment VAT Identifier | true | False | true |
90 | 1227363862 | prepaymentTaxAreaCode | 118 | Prepayment Tax Area Code | true | True | true |
91 | 251916965 | prepaymentTaxLiable | 119 | Prepayment Tax Liable | true | True | true |
92 | 1724937654 | prepaymentTaxGroupCode | 120 | Prepayment Tax Group Code | true | True | true |
93 | 1410281542 | prepmtAmtToDeduct | 121 | Prepmt Amt to Deduct | true | True | true |
94 | 1581698084 | prepmtAmtDeducted | 122 | Prepmt Amt Deducted | true | False | true |
95 | 1809702305 | prepaymentLine | 123 | Prepayment Line | true | False | true |
96 | 1132827348 | prepmtAmountInvInclVat | 124 | Prepmt. Amount Inv. Incl. VAT | true | False | true |
97 | 571503503 | prepmtAmountInvLcy | 129 | Prepmt. Amount Inv. (LCY) | true | False | true |
98 | 1914587523 | icPartnerCode | 130 | IC Partner Code | true | True | true |
99 | 1784520498 | prepmtVatAmountInvLcy | 132 | Prepmt. VAT Amount Inv. (LCY) | true | False | true |
100 | 1406471155 | prepaymentVatDifference | 135 | Prepayment VAT Difference | true | False | true |
101 | 2071386912 | prepmtVatDiffToDeduct | 136 | Prepmt VAT Diff. to Deduct | true | False | true |
102 | 935920670 | prepmtVatDiffDeducted | 137 | Prepmt VAT Diff. Deducted | true | False | true |
103 | 775456267 | dimensionSetId | 480 | Dimension Set ID | true | False | true |
104 | 1641582340 | qtyToAssembleToOrder | 900 | Qty. to Assemble to Order | true | True | true |
105 | 964638348 | qtyToAsmToOrderBase | 901 | Qty. to Asm. to Order (Base) | true | True | true |
106 | 903607713 | atoWhseOutstandingQty | 902 | ATO Whse. Outstanding Qty. | true | False | true |
107 | 205864461 | atoWhseOutstdQtyBase | 903 | ATO Whse. Outstd. Qty. (Base) | true | False | true |
108 | 1276426723 | jobTaskNumber | 1001 | Job Task No. | true | False | true |
109 | 466850366 | jobContractEntryNumber | 1002 | Job Contract Entry No. | true | False | true |
110 | 16913896 | postingDate | 1300 | Posting Date | true | True | true |
111 | 1907018866 | deferralCode | 1700 | Deferral Code | true | True | true |
112 | 2075518070 | returnsDeferralStartDate | 1702 | Returns Deferral Start Date | true | True | true |
113 | 1950112670 | variantCode | 5402 | Variant Code | true | True | true |
114 | 37398084 | binCode | 5403 | Bin Code | true | True | true |
115 | 1053248 | qtyPerUnitOfMeasure | 5404 | Qty. per Unit of Measure | true | False | true |
116 | 165611720 | planned | 5405 | Planned | true | False | true |
117 | 198914302 | unitOfMeasureCode | 5407 | Unit of Measure Code | true | True | true |
118 | 2060477002 | quantityBase | 5415 | Quantity (Base) | true | True | true |
119 | 555194399 | outstandingQtyBase | 5416 | Outstanding Qty. (Base) | true | False | true |
120 | 704635175 | qtyToInvoiceBase | 5417 | Qty. to Invoice (Base) | true | True | true |
121 | 642148388 | qtyToShipBase | 5418 | Qty. to Ship (Base) | true | True | true |
122 | 1486917582 | qtyShippedNotInvdBase | 5458 | Qty. Shipped Not Invd. (Base) | true | False | true |
123 | 1819008554 | qtyShippedBase | 5460 | Qty. Shipped (Base) | true | False | true |
124 | 1603482304 | qtyInvoicedBase | 5461 | Qty. Invoiced (Base) | true | False | true |
125 | 1758740881 | reservedQtyBase | 5495 | Reserved Qty. (Base) | true | False | true |
126 | 1785098799 | faPostingDate | 5600 | FA Posting Date | true | True | true |
127 | 1823233319 | depreciationBookCode | 5602 | Depreciation Book Code | true | True | true |
128 | 89849030 | deprUntilFaPostingDate | 5605 | Depr. until FA Posting Date | true | True | true |
129 | 1376864052 | duplicateInDepreciationBook | 5612 | Duplicate in Depreciation Book | true | True | true |
130 | 262999471 | useDuplicationList | 5613 | Use Duplication List | true | True | true |
131 | 1527685403 | responsibilityCenter | 5700 | Responsibility Center | true | False | true |
132 | 846661804 | outOfStockSubstitution | 5701 | Out-of-Stock Substitution | true | False | true |
133 | 1232912202 | substitutionAvailable | 5702 | Substitution Available | true | False | true |
134 | 2050495052 | originallyOrderedNumber | 5703 | Originally Ordered No. | true | True | true |
135 | 677273241 | originallyOrderedVarCode | 5704 | Originally Ordered Var. Code | true | True | true |
136 | 691016303 | itemReferenceNumber | 5725 | Item Reference No. | true | True | true |
137 | 782674057 | itemRefUnitOfMeasure | 5726 | Item Reference Unit of Measure | true | True | true |
138 | 1531736126 | itemReferenceType | 5727 | Item Reference Type | true | True | true |
| Available options are:
- ” “
- “Customer”
- “Vendor”
- “Bar Code”
139 | 1755150697 | itemReferenceTypeNumber | 5728 | Item Reference Type No. | true | True | true |
140 | 1866406884 | itemCategoryCode | 5709 | Item Category Code | true | True | true |
141 | 788791363 | nonstock | 5710 | Nonstock | true | False | true |
142 | 361693241 | purchasingCode | 5711 | Purchasing Code | true | True | true |
143 | 1038837301 | specialOrder | 5713 | Special Order | true | False | true |
144 | 293224773 | specialOrderPurchaseNumber | 5714 | Special Order Purchase No. | true | True | true |
145 | 494216634 | specialOrderPurchLineNumber | 5715 | Special Order Purch. Line No. | true | True | true |
146 | 2089264827 | whseOutstandingQty | 5749 | Whse. Outstanding Qty. | true | False | true |
147 | 888190914 | whseOutstandingQtyBase | 5750 | Whse. Outstanding Qty. (Base) | true | False | true |
148 | 718443933 | completelyShipped | 5752 | Completely Shipped | true | False | true |
149 | 1703371076 | requestedDeliveryDate | 5790 | Requested Delivery Date | true | True | true |
150 | 42637279 | promisedDeliveryDate | 5791 | Promised Delivery Date | true | True | true |
151 | 1834211387 | shippingTime | 5792 | Shipping Time | true | True | true |
152 | 764453885 | outboundWhseHandlingTime | 5793 | Outbound Whse. Handling Time | true | True | true |
153 | 249997088 | plannedDeliveryDate | 5794 | Planned Delivery Date | true | True | true |
154 | 1326754956 | plannedShipmentDate | 5795 | Planned Shipment Date | true | True | true |
155 | 1357722646 | shippingAgentCode | 5796 | Shipping Agent Code | true | True | true |
156 | 1016689223 | shippingAgentServiceCode | 5797 | Shipping Agent Service Code | true | True | true |
157 | 591905199 | allowItemChargeAssignment | 5800 | Allow Item Charge Assignment | true | True | true |
158 | 992131982 | qtyToAssign | 5801 | Qty. to Assign | true | False | true |
159 | 614784336 | qtyAssigned | 5802 | Qty. Assigned | true | False | true |
160 | 112225138 | returnQtyToReceive | 5803 | Return Qty. to Receive | true | True | true |
161 | 964091735 | returnQtyToReceiveBase | 5804 | Return Qty. to Receive (Base) | true | True | true |
162 | 775535849 | returnQtyRcdNotInvd | 5805 | Return Qty. Rcd. Not Invd. | true | False | true |
163 | 1622702813 | retQtyRcdNotInvdBase | 5806 | Ret. Qty. Rcd. Not Invd.(Base) | true | False | true |
164 | 526297403 | returnRcdNotInvd | 5807 | Return Rcd. Not Invd. | true | False | true |
165 | 502318211 | returnRcdNotInvdLcy | 5808 | Return Rcd. Not Invd. (LCY) | true | False | true |
166 | 1314527003 | returnQtyReceived | 5809 | Return Qty. Received | true | False | true |
167 | 581020576 | returnQtyReceivedBase | 5810 | Return Qty. Received (Base) | true | False | true |
168 | 1528478438 | applFromItemEntry | 5811 | Appl.-from Item Entry | true | True | true |
169 | 1306922178 | bomItemNumber | 5909 | BOM Item No. | true | True | true |
170 | 2035968033 | returnReceiptNumber | 6600 | Return Receipt No. | true | False | true |
171 | 1420344673 | returnReceiptLineNumber | 6601 | Return Receipt Line No. | true | False | true |
172 | 1150832913 | returnReasonCode | 6608 | Return Reason Code | true | True | true |
173 | 1065927318 | allowLineDisc | 7001 | Allow Line Disc. | true | True | true |
174 | 384162434 | customerDiscGroup | 7002 | Customer Disc. Group | true | True | true |
175 | 1624240792 | subtype | 7003 | Subtype | true | True | true |
| Available options are:
- ” “
- “Item – Inventory”
- “Item – Service”
- “Comment”
176 | 1262657601 | priceDescription | 7004 | Price description | true | True | true |