Seq. | Control ID | Control Name | Field No. | Field Name | Enabled | Editable | Visible |
0 | 2017897057 | PriceType | | | true | true | true |
| Available options are:
1 | 875987505 | SourceType | | | true | true | true |
| Available options are:
- “(All)”
- “All Customers”
- “Customer”
- “Customer Price Group”
- “Customer Disc. Group”
- “All Vendors”
- “Vendor”
- “All Jobs”
- “Job”
- “Job Task”
- “Campaign”
- “Contact”
2 | 1911906828 | ParentSourceNo | | | true | true | p7024p7024ParentSourceNoFilterEditable |
3 | 2114299824 | SourceNo | | | p7024p7024SourceNoFilterEditable | true | true |
4 | 1374320868 | AssetType | | | true | true | true |
| Available options are:
- “(All)”
- “Item”
- “Item Discount Group”
- “Resource”
- “Resource Group”
- “Service Cost”
- “G/L Account”
5 | 374807469 | AssetNo | | | p7024p7024AssetNoFilterEditable | true | true |
6 | 1872924496 | AmountType | | | true | true | true |
| Available options are:
- “Any”
- “Price”
- “Cost”
- “Discount”
7 | 2093709672 | StartingDateFilter | | | true | true | true |
8 | 1905540217 | EndingDateFilter | | | true | true | true |
9 | 1805567345 | CurrencyCodeFilterCtrl | | | true | true | true |
10 | 1003103886 | Price List Code | 1 | Price List Code | true | false | true |
11 | 80360168 | Status | 30 | Status | true | false | true |
| Available options are:
- “Draft”
- “Active”
- “Inactive”
12 | 1340365561 | Price Type | 28 | Price Type | true | p7024p7024AllowUpdatingDefaults | p7024p7024PriceTypeVisible |
| Available options are:
13 | 391241097 | Source Type | 3 | Source Type | true | p7024p7024SourceTypeEditable | true |
| Available options are:
- “All”
- “All Customers”
- “Customer”
- “Customer Price Group”
- “Customer Disc. Group”
- “All Vendors”
- “Vendor”
- “All Jobs”
- “Job”
- “Job Task”
- “Campaign”
- “Contact”
14 | 1304611222 | Parent Source No. | 5 | Parent Source No. | true | p7024p7024AssignToParentNoEditable | p7024p7024UseCustomLookup |
15 | 1040442086 | Source No. | 4 | Source No. | true | p7024p7024AssignToNoEditable | p7024p7024UseCustomLookup |
16 | 621478592 | Assign-to Parent No. | 35 | Assign-to Parent No. | true | p7024p7024AssignToParentNoEditable | not p7024p7024UseCustomLookup |
17 | 724900524 | Assign-to No. | 34 | Assign-to No. | true | p7024p7024AssignToNoEditable | not p7024p7024UseCustomLookup |
18 | 268413212 | Asset Type | 7 | Asset Type | true | p7024p7024AssetTypeEditable | true |
| Available options are:
- ” “
- “Item”
- “Item Discount Group”
- “Resource”
- “Resource Group”
- “Service Cost”
- “G/L Account”
19 | 1285715781 | Asset No. | 8 | Asset No. | true | p7024p7024PriceLineEditable | p7024p7024UseCustomLookup |
20 | 448143536 | Product No. | 33 | Product No. | true | p7024p7024PriceLineEditable | not p7024p7024UseCustomLookup |
21 | 159730066 | Variant Code | 9 | Variant Code | true | p7024p7024VariantCodeEditable | p7024p7024VariantCodeVisible |
22 | 1248676588 | Variant Code Lookup | 36 | Variant Code Lookup | true | p7024p7024VariantCodeEditable | p7024p7024VariantCodeLookupVisible |
23 | 1665823616 | Work Type Code | 11 | Work Type Code | true | p7024p7024WorkTypeCodeEditable | p7024p7024ResourceAssetVisible |
24 | 2096244678 | Currency Code | 10 | Currency Code | true | p7024p7024DateEditable | true |
25 | 1150251850 | Unit of Measure Code | 15 | Unit of Measure Code | true | p7024p7024PriceLineEditable | p7024p7024UoMVisible |
26 | 698105868 | Unit of Measure Code Lookup | 37 | Unit of Measure Code Lookup | true | p7024p7024PriceLineEditable | p7024p7024UoMLookupVisible |
27 | 1343186647 | Minimum Quantity | 14 | Minimum Quantity | true | p7024p7024PriceLineEditable | true |
28 | 1267856 | Amount Type | 16 | Amount Type | true | p7024p7024AmountTypeIsEditable | p7024p7024AmountTypeIsVisible |
| Available options are:
- “Any”
- “Price”
- “Cost”
- “Discount”
29 | 1997362833 | Unit Price | 17 | Unit Price | true | p7024p7024UnitPriceEditable | p7024p7024SalesPriceVisible |
30 | 557233814 | Cost Factor | 18 | Cost Factor | true | p7024p7024UnitPriceEditable | p7024p7024SalesPriceVisible |
31 | 364386980 | Direct Unit Cost | 31 | Direct Unit Cost | true | p7024p7024UnitPriceEditable | p7024p7024PurchPriceVisible |
32 | 2001630463 | Unit Cost | 19 | Unit Cost | true | p7024p7024UnitPriceEditable | p7024p7024PurchPriceVisible |
33 | 1460413490 | Line Discount % | 20 | Line Discount % | true | p7024p7024LineDiscPctEditable | p7024p7024DiscountVisible |
34 | 962628176 | Starting Date | 12 | Starting Date | true | p7024p7024DateEditable | true |
35 | 1216663753 | Ending Date | 13 | Ending Date | true | p7024p7024DateEditable | true |
36 | 353070208 | Allow Line Disc. | 21 | Allow Line Disc. | true | p7024p7024PriceLineEditable | p7024p7024AllowDiscVisible |
37 | 1819775361 | Allow Invoice Disc. | 22 | Allow Invoice Disc. | true | p7024p7024PriceLineEditable | p7024p7024AllowDiscVisible |
38 | 191707506 | VAT Bus. Posting Gr. (Price) | 24 | VAT Bus. Posting Gr. (Price) | true | p7024p7024PriceLineEditable | false |
39 | 2146651157 | Price Includes VAT | 23 | Price Includes VAT | true | p7024p7024PriceLineEditable | false |