Seq. | Control ID | Control Name | Field No. | Field Name | Enabled | Editable | Visible |
0 | 356056121 | No.  | 1 | No.  | true | True | p30p30NoFieldVisible |
1 | 358293120 | Description  | 3 | Description  | true | True | p30p30DescriptionFieldVisible |
2 | 606688798 | Description 2  | 5 | Description 2  | true | True | p30p30Description2FieldVisible |
3 | 198808046 | Blocked  | 54 | Blocked  | true | True | true |
4 | 1530141010 | Type  | 10 | Type  | true | True | true |
| Available options are:
- “Inventory”
- “Service”
- “Non-Inventory”
5 | 92581276 | Base Unit of Measure  | 8 | Base Unit of Measure  | true | True | true |
6 | 588996825 | Last Date Modified  | 62 | Last Date Modified  | true | False | true |
7 | 1905786702 | GTIN  | 1217 | GTIN  | NOT p30p30IsService | True | true |
8 | 1250035050 | Item Category Code  | 5702 | Item Category Code  | true | True | true |
9 | 1845406028 | Manufacturer Code  | 5701 | Manufacturer Code  | true | True | False |
10 | 1179092777 | Service Item Group  | 5900 | Service Item Group  | true | True | true |
11 | 1933520234 | Automatic Ext. Texts  | 96 | Automatic Ext. Texts  | true | True | true |
12 | 1078339215 | Common Item No.  | 99008500 | Common Item No.  | true | True | true |
13 | 2139441987 | Purchasing Code  | 5711 | Purchasing Code  | true | True | true |
14 | 983356354 | VariantMandatoryDefaultYes  | 122 | Variant Mandatory if Exists  | true | True | p30p30ShowVariantMandatoryDefaultYes |
| Available options are:
15 | 894081932 | VariantMandatoryDefaultNo  | 122 | Variant Mandatory if Exists  | true | True | not p30p30ShowVariantMandatoryDefaultYes |
| Available options are:
16 | 1934658189 | Shelf No.  | 12 | Shelf No.  | true | True | true |
17 | 1870322754 | Created From Nonstock Item  | 5703 | Created From Nonstock Item  | true | False | true |
18 | 398129994 | Search Description  | 4 | Search Description  | true | True | true |
19 | 170512916 | Inventory  | 68 | Inventory  | p30p30IsInventoriable | False | p30p30IsInventoryAdjmtAllowed |
20 | 606441672 | InventoryNonFoundation  | 68 | Inventory  | p30p30IsInventoriable | False | not p30p30IsInventoryAdjmtAllowed |
21 | 1937926249 | Qty. on Purch. Order  | 84 | Qty. on Purch. Order  | true | False | true |
22 | 147080404 | Qty. on Prod. Order  | 99000777 | Qty. on Prod. Order  | true | False | true |
23 | 2101939615 | Qty. on Component Lines  | 99000778 | Qty. on Component Lines  | true | False | true |
24 | 566500341 | Qty. on Sales Order  | 85 | Qty. on Sales Order  | true | False | true |
25 | 2081116614 | Qty. on Service Order  | 5901 | Qty. on Service Order  | true | False | true |
26 | 1533626972 | Qty. on Job Order  | 1001 | Qty. on Job Order  | true | False | true |
27 | 500900813 | Qty. on Assembly Order  | 977 | Qty. on Assembly Order  | true | False | true |
28 | 718725275 | Qty. on Asm. Component  | 978 | Qty. on Asm. Component  | true | False | true |
29 | 2039552078 | StockoutWarningDefaultYes  | 120 | Stockout Warning  | true | p30p30IsInventoriable | p30p30ShowStockoutWarningDefaultYes |
| Available options are:
30 | 1197143040 | StockoutWarningDefaultNo  | 120 | Stockout Warning  | true | True | p30p30ShowStockoutWarningDefaultNo |
| Available options are:
31 | 2069791290 | PreventNegInventoryDefaultYes  | 121 | Prevent Negative Inventory  | true | True | p30p30ShowPreventNegInventoryDefaultYes |
| Available options are:
32 | 821644180 | PreventNegInventoryDefaultNo  | 121 | Prevent Negative Inventory  | true | True | p30p30ShowPreventNegInventoryDefaultNo |
| Available options are:
33 | 1693718929 | Net Weight  | 42 | Net Weight  | true | True | true |
34 | 33888540 | Gross Weight  | 41 | Gross Weight  | true | True | true |
35 | 27987568 | Unit Volume  | 44 | Unit Volume  | true | True | true |
36 | 581565284 | Over-Receipt Code  | 8510 | Over-Receipt Code  | true | True | p30p30OverReceiptAllowed |
37 | 1001061786 | Trans. Ord. Receipt (Qty.)  | 5708 | Trans. Ord. Receipt (Qty.)  | true | False | false |
38 | 1931577066 | Trans. Ord. Shipment (Qty.)  | 5709 | Trans. Ord. Shipment (Qty.)  | true | False | false |
39 | 608724094 | Costing Method  | 21 | Costing Method  | true | True | true |
| Available options are:
- “FIFO”
- “LIFO”
- “Specific”
- “Average”
- “Standard”
40 | 2015376658 | Standard Cost  | 24 | Standard Cost  | p30p30StandardCostEnable | True | true |
41 | 1599836909 | Unit Cost  | 22 | Unit Cost  | p30p30UnitCostEnable | p30p30UnitCostEditable | true |
42 | 1983943214 | Indirect Cost %  | 28 | Indirect Cost %  | p30p30IsInventoriable | True | true |
43 | 1067115838 | Last Direct Cost  | 25 | Last Direct Cost  | true | True | true |
44 | 1872762010 | Net Invoiced Qty.  | 69 | Net Invoiced Qty.  | true | False | true |
45 | 754032781 | Cost is Adjusted  | 29 | Cost is Adjusted  | true | False | true |
46 | 242475433 | Cost is Posted to G/L  | 55 | Cost is Posted to G/L  | true | False | true |
47 | 328881757 | Inventory Value Zero  | 5409 | Inventory Value Zero  | true | True | false |
48 | 761451012 | SpecialPurchPriceListTxt  | | | true | False | p30p30ExtendedPriceEnabled |
49 | 1604797088 | SpecialPurchPricesAndDiscountsTxt  | | | true | false | not p30p30ExtendedPriceEnabled |
50 | 10251308 | Gen. Prod. Posting Group  | 91 | Gen. Prod. Posting Group  | true | True | true |
51 | 27323429 | VAT Prod. Posting Group  | 99 | VAT Prod. Posting Group  | true | True | true |
52 | 1334262649 | Tax Group Code  | 98 | Tax Group Code  | true | True | true |
53 | 1312825973 | Inventory Posting Group  | 11 | Inventory Posting Group  | true | p30p30IsInventoriable | true |
54 | 1120192665 | Default Deferral Template Code  | 1700 | Default Deferral Template Code  | true | True | true |
55 | 528341735 | Tariff No.  | 47 | Tariff No.  | true | True | true |
56 | 191019785 | Country/Region of Origin Code  | 95 | Country/Region of Origin Code  | true | True | true |
57 | 2118633950 | Exclude from Intrastat Report  | 4810 |  | true | True | true |
58 | 69778054 | Supplementary Unit of Measure  | 4811 |  | true | True | true |
59 | 676607987 | Unit Price  | 18 | Unit Price  | true | p30p30PriceEditable | true |
60 | 1203176439 | CalcUnitPriceExclVAT  | | | true | False | true |
61 | 1135394487 | Price Includes VAT  | 87 | Price Includes VAT  | true | True | true |
62 | 1310011099 | Price/Profit Calculation  | 19 | Price/Profit Calculation  | true | True | true |
| Available options are:
- “Profit=Price-Cost”
- “Price=Cost+Profit”
- “No Relationship”
63 | 1014427795 | Profit %  | 20 | Profit %  | true | p30p30ProfitEditable | true |
64 | 943568248 | SpecialSalesPriceListTxt  | | | true | False | p30p30ExtendedPriceEnabled |
65 | 2041293788 | SpecialPricesAndDiscountsTxt  | | | true | false | not p30p30ExtendedPriceEnabled |
66 | 1661513779 | Allow Invoice Disc.  | 15 | Allow Invoice Disc.  | true | True | true |
67 | 815107905 | Item Disc. Group  | 14 | Item Disc. Group  | true | True | true |
68 | 1134701639 | Sales Unit of Measure  | 5425 | Sales Unit of Measure  | true | True | true |
69 | 1480603482 | Sales Blocked  | 8003 | Sales Blocked  | true | True | true |
70 | 1761010967 | Application Wksh. User ID  | 521 | Application Wksh. User ID  | true | True | false |
71 | 2034834000 | VAT Bus. Posting Gr. (Price)  | 90 | VAT Bus. Posting Gr. (Price)  | true | True | true |
72 | 1225720090 | Reverse Charge Applies  | 10500 |  | true | True | true |
73 | 323263605 | Replenishment System  | | | true | p30p30ReplenishmentSystemEditable | true |
| Available options are:
- “Purchase”
- “Prod. Order”
- “Assembly”
74 | 1634867394 | Lead Time Calculation  | 33 | Lead Time Calculation  | true | True | true |
75 | 645958779 | Vendor No.  | 31 | Vendor No.  | true | True | true |
76 | 914952264 | Vendor Item No.  | 32 | Vendor Item No.  | true | True | true |
77 | 968981699 | Purch. Unit of Measure  | 5426 | Purch. Unit of Measure  | true | True | true |
78 | 204124168 | Purchasing Blocked  | 8004 | Purchasing Blocked  | true | True | true |
79 | 1809744922 | Manufacturing Policy  | 5442 | Manufacturing Policy  | true | True | true |
| Available options are:
- “Make-to-Stock”
- “Make-to-Order”
80 | 1120649277 | Routing No.  | 99000750 | Routing No.  | true | True | true |
81 | 1153837070 | Production BOM No.  | 99000751 | Production BOM No.  | true | True | true |
82 | 1179959282 | Rounding Precision  | 5422 | Rounding Precision  | true | True | true |
83 | 117945139 | Flushing Method  | 5417 | Flushing Method  | true | True | true |
| Available options are:
- “Manual”
- “Forward”
- “Backward”
- “Pick + Forward”
- “Pick + Backward”
84 | 2026526678 | Overhead Rate  | 99000757 | Overhead Rate  | p30p30IsInventoriable | True | true |
85 | 973704992 | Scrap %  | 5407 | Scrap %  | true | True | true |
86 | 246186396 | Lot Size  | 5401 | Lot Size  | true | True | true |
87 | 1129323384 | Assembly Policy  | 910 | Assembly Policy  | true | True | true |
| Available options are:
- “Assemble-to-Stock”
- “Assemble-to-Order”
88 | 952305784 | AssemblyBOM  | 6 | Assembly BOM  | true | False | true |
89 | 178803967 | Reordering Policy  | 5440 | Reordering Policy  | true | True | true |
| Available options are:
- ” “
- “Fixed Reorder Qty.”
- “Maximum Qty.”
- “Order”
- “Lot-for-Lot”
90 | 1257906982 | Reserve  | 100 | Reserve  | true | True | true |
| Available options are:
- “Never”
- “Optional”
- “Always”
91 | 2026102297 | Order Tracking Policy  | 99000773 | Order Tracking Policy  | true | True | true |
| Available options are:
- “None”
- “Tracking Only”
- “Tracking & Action Msg.”
92 | 1543903309 | Stockkeeping Unit Exists  | 5700 | Stockkeeping Unit Exists  | true | False | true |
93 | 871694561 | Dampener Period  | 5445 | Dampener Period  | p30p30DampenerPeriodEnable | True | true |
94 | 337426681 | Dampener Quantity  | 5446 | Dampener Quantity  | p30p30DampenerQtyEnable | True | true |
95 | 851416725 | Critical  | 99000875 | Critical  | true | True | true |
96 | 569679299 | Safety Lead Time  | 5415 | Safety Lead Time  | p30p30SafetyLeadTimeEnable | True | true |
97 | 24343017 | Safety Stock Quantity  | 5413 | Safety Stock Quantity  | p30p30SafetyStockQtyEnable | True | true |
98 | 2051796680 | Include Inventory  | 5441 | Include Inventory  | p30p30IncludeInventoryEnable | True | true |
99 | 96601849 | Lot Accumulation Period  | 5444 | Lot Accumulation Period  | p30p30LotAccumulationPeriodEnable | True | true |
100 | 894926996 | Rescheduling Period  | 5443 | Rescheduling Period  | p30p30ReschedulingPeriodEnable | True | true |
101 | 165647331 | Reorder Point  | 34 | Reorder Point  | p30p30ReorderPointEnable | True | true |
102 | 244394172 | Reorder Quantity  | 36 | Reorder Quantity  | p30p30ReorderQtyEnable | True | true |
103 | 592226780 | Maximum Inventory  | 35 | Maximum Inventory  | p30p30MaximumInventoryEnable | True | true |
104 | 1696272588 | Overflow Level  | 5447 | Overflow Level  | p30p30OverflowLevelEnable | True | true |
105 | 349283595 | Time Bucket  | 5428 | Time Bucket  | p30p30TimeBucketEnable | True | true |
106 | 2089265709 | Minimum Order Quantity  | 5411 | Minimum Order Quantity  | p30p30MinimumOrderQtyEnable | True | true |
107 | 374723437 | Maximum Order Quantity  | 5412 | Maximum Order Quantity  | p30p30MaximumOrderQtyEnable | True | true |
108 | 494913040 | Order Multiple  | 5414 | Order Multiple  | p30p30OrderMultipleEnable | True | true |
109 | 872100199 | Item Tracking Code  | 6500 | Item Tracking Code  | true | True | true |
110 | 1139643490 | Serial Nos.  | 5402 | Serial Nos.  | true | True | true |
111 | 453298285 | Lot Nos.  | 6501 | Lot Nos.  | true | True | true |
112 | 1223555940 | Expiration Calculation  | 6502 | Expiration Calculation  | true | p30p30ExpirationCalculationEditable | true |
113 | 145198952 | Warehouse Class Code  | 7300 | Warehouse Class Code  | true | True | true |
114 | 1331056680 | Special Equipment Code  | 7301 | Special Equipment Code  | true | True | true |
115 | 1655645711 | Put-away Template Code  | 7302 | Put-away Template Code  | true | True | true |
116 | 838155894 | Put-away Unit of Measure Code  | 7307 | Put-away Unit of Measure Code  | true | True | true |
117 | 1052237910 | Phys Invt Counting Period Code  | 7380 | Phys Invt Counting Period Code  | true | True | true |
118 | 1763876433 | Last Phys. Invt. Date  | 7383 | Last Phys. Invt. Date  | true | False | true |
119 | 967318957 | Last Counting Period Update  | 7381 | Last Counting Period Update  | true | False | true |
120 | 260893202 | Next Counting Start Date  | 7385 | Next Counting Start Date  | true | False | true |
121 | 1624043585 | Next Counting End Date  | 7386 | Next Counting End Date  | true | False | true |
122 | 1514030352 | Identifier Code  | 7700 | Identifier Code  | true | False | true |
123 | 722697787 | Use Cross-Docking  | 7384 | Use Cross-Docking  | true | True | true |